Joey K

Very similar thing happened to me. My wife is black and we have a mixed son. On day at my job in the break room my friend, who is black as well, asked how we were celebrating black history month at my house. I jokingly said that my son is only allowed to celebrate half of it. Everyone had a laugh. About two hours

Grayson Allen vs Draymond Green would end in a draw. Allen would always be on his back trying to sweep the leg while Green is hopelessly throwing his leg around missing the dick kick.

Why would he need Dak Prescott? Dude had Colin Kaepernick, Blaine Gabbert AND Christian Ponder. In Madden ‘12 all of those guys had ratings in the 70's. 

It shows how he has completely turned his life around by only commiting one felony though. It’s progress for him.

I’m just happy Andre Johnson gets one more chance to get a ring before he rides off in the Texans sunset.

I’m actually more amazed that Shabazz Napier is somehow still in the NBA.

In the southeast it was more Widespread Panic country. Same fan base, you have to wear a dirty ass hat and wear a sea shell necklace to be considered a true fan.

For as much crap as Zack Snyder gets for his DC treatments, Brian Singer always seems to get a free pass. He had nothing to do with the best X-Men movie (First Class) and everything to do with the crappy rest of them. Hell Snyder even made a better Superman movie than Singer.

It could be, you know, the completey unrelenting ads before every single video.

In all likelihood, Sasha Banks and New Day are losing their titles at Roadblock. The “Road to Wrestlemania” is in full swing and this event or the Royal Rumble act as a storyline reset. Bayley and Charlotte is the big money fight. I’d prefer New Day drop the belts to the Revival to establish them as beasts, and you

Hopefully this one has an origin story. How did he become Spider-Man??? I don’t think any other Spider-Man movies touched on that subject.

I will proudly build the church that needs to be built around her ass. Is that a prize?

Only pokestops around my house are 3 located in a cemetery that is only accessible if I walk through 150 yards of woods with no trail. Basically the beginning of a horror movie, so I better not see a Lapras pop up.

The fact that the best he could come up with for AGW as a concept was for it to be a pre-recorded topical round table discussion show, which is pretty much EVERY OTHER FUCKING SPORTS SHOW, finally let me realize you has lost touch with the sports guy of yesteryear. It was HBO. Have topless women bring out the topic

They did this with Sting last year. No big change. Plus Goldberg is returning for one more match against Lesnar this month at survivor series. Kind of the whole point of the match is publicity for the video game.

Preach man. Hate that double header players are locked in. I lost in my fantasy playoffs due to 3 players in the cancelled Sunday Braves/Marlins game that was postponed due to Jose Fernandez’s death. ESPN wouldn’t let the make up game stats apply to our match. I lost by 13 points.

South Park Stick of Truth....pre-ordered the second it was possible at my local GameStop. Paid in full and was bummed it was initially postponed. Shortly after I got married, moved a few hours away to a better city, had a beautiful baby boy and barely gamed as much. Then one day I get a snarky voicemail from a

This is actually basic foreplay in Buffalo.

Encountered a couple at a bar that was ecstatic that they caught two eevee’s in a row row. I was like, huh?

Can they do anything about every area having a trainer with 3 or more fully maxed out Dragonites? It's deflating when you see someone brag about this.