well fuckaduck…. soul sacrifice delta, ragnorak odyssey ace, valhalla knights 3 gold and now this shit…
well fuckaduck…. soul sacrifice delta, ragnorak odyssey ace, valhalla knights 3 gold and now this shit…
well, as long as we can all agree region locking isnt the selling point, collectively we'll have made a progression.
my local bars jukebox has a more modern version he did in im thinkin the 80's, and its just not the same. they dont even have the original.
she thinks her advice is a contribution, but if she would leave that would be the solution. and dont come back no more.
whats with the new layout not allowing to embed youtube vids?
<iframe width="480" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/SiabeNR_q0U?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
wow, 1 actual retail game and its fucking what? 3 years old. and its the only one worth its weight in game content. you know, since its actually a legit retail game. ps+ has become a running joke. its run of out of any quality and is now steeped in games that have been recycled through sales to the umpteenth degree.
And i did not chip in ten grand to seed a first investment round to build value for a Facebook acquisition.
you know the easiest way to offend the people your trying to market your product to?
!!!!breaking news!!!oculus rift changes name to ad-revenue shift. loses all integrity.
will it be $90? you know, for all of us fucking ingrates.
wtf does this trite fluff have to do with gaming?
the "master race" phrase is born from nazi ideology. now you see there true colors and understanding of righteousness/elitism. it helps to weed out the shameful since only someone of such low standards would perpetuate this nazi slang.
saying phrases like "master race" is akin to nazi ideology.
finally, update is live.
vita update 3.10 to lift 100 app/save limit.
i feel like your being waaay to generous. this list doesnt deserve a grade and shouldve gotten an inc.
wrong. wrong. wrong.
or…. circa 1969.
isnt persona 4 getting a rhythm game as well….?