dont belittle yourself. self depricating over lack of memory/money is not good for anyone.
dont belittle yourself. self depricating over lack of memory/money is not good for anyone.
l2/l3 and r2/r3 can be mapped to the back touchscreen. it varies per game on which implement it, but its not the fault of the vita.
as an owner of 2 of the the new pch-2000.
companies rarely if ever revert. you wont see an oled pch-2000, since they scrapped oled for lcd on the pch-2000. modernization rarely reverts to tech from yester-year when its already evolved for cost factors.
i say dont exclude anything. i know im playing a game inherently japanese. give me all the bells and whistles. right now im furious to find out soul sacrifice has a feature that was left out of the western release. you can still see the option but its doa and not supported. they have the nerve to charge for japanese…
sony already stopped producing the oled(as well as the 3g) model.
the new pch-2000 model is a beast. been going to the stores where the pch-1000 is on display and its a big clunker to me. like comparing a original psp to the 3000. way sleeker. piano black is like kryptonite when you see all the other color options. as far as the screen, i couldnt care less, games look pristine.…
ishin, kenzan, black panther 1 & 2, yakuza 5, and yakuza 1 & 2 hd.
yea and i was disappointed with the lack of the new vita/64gb card release date. my purchase goes toward sales in japan. not the u.s.
Tearaway [Vita] ($20) | Amazon | Must choose Amazon as seller
the dlc is free regardless of your PS+ status. except the japanese VO, which is $1.99. but yes the "game" is in the IGC.
playing soul sacrifice and finding out that the whispers aspect of the game was not provided to the other markets made me distrustful. when game modes are shown but not provided, im left with a feeling of being gipped.
more on your point, but even better is how can they include dsi ware games when they are NOT even playable on a ds. clearly they never played a ds. someone dropped the ball. if anything they wouldve been better off including gba games since they were able to be played on the ds/dslite
castlevania dawn of sorrow
yea its odd. i went to the website and it only listed 2 G monsters from the monster list. i know im doing something wrong probably. but theres a big G over a couple of em, and the rest dont have a G indicator.
thanks for the info... i thought frontier was a series, where each new season brought new monster and weaps/armors alike... myself im a great sword man, but its interesting to see what they omit. oh and what was the demo like? what monsters did you get to fight? was there a limit like mh3u? thanks for the reply, i…