Sticks Calhoun

i that that "hefty price" was his life. RIP.

It will only work well if canon/nikon release systems that allow people to use their existing collection of large and expensive lens collection. While I love the idea of a smaller camera, the pricing of mirrorless keeps it out of my hands, and currently, dollar for dollar, a DSLR is better value. Until the IQ and

I was hoping someone would catch that. Hahahaha.

Bollocks. I was going to put this up. My brother-in-law's nephew is the kid buying the horse. True story.

Delivered by the...

Hell's Kitchen has completely failed to live up to its name in recent years, and I for one am glad that Anheuser-Busch is doing something about that.

fixed it for ya :)

I'm just going to assume you're retarded.

In this house, we obey the laws of thermodynamics!

This would work well if your car was parked in a windy spot.

No, that just makes two of you who don't understand physics. It is PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE for that device to create the same or more energy than it takes for it to be pushed through the air. If it did, we'd all be driving cars that had unlimited mileage...

You know what else has stars?

Well, it deprives them of their most important developmental period, and it's been a vehicle for giving them work that is more physically dangerous, mentally harmful, socially deficient and immoral. Children do not have sufficient ability to reason or know when they are put at risk, and they can be easily misled.

I'm sure as hell not about to do it sober!

I'm pretty that just makes you a boastful loud-mouthed hipster.

You should do some more research, especially on your own reaction rant. If they were the EXACT same molecular structure, then there wouldn't be a way to discern the two. Cane sugar is a disaccharide, one fructose and one glucose molecule bonded together. HFCS is not a disaccharide, it is just a conglomeration of

Technically, you were.

Frederick's attempt to do "The Worm" goes horribly awry.