
You mean Epic are doing a better job of showing you whats capable on their multiplatform engine? Cool.

This is showing off tech for one of the biggest multiplatform engines in the industry its just showing off on PS5 (Devkit) so an Xbox Series X would be able to run this as well. Second its a tech demo these are NEVER representative of what a game will actually look at as the article alluded too with Agni’s Prophecy. Ba

It’s not, and nothing you play on next-gen will actually look and feel this good.

I think he’s saying that car makers can’t just expect sales to rebound with 30% unemployment.

Auto industry complaining and wants people to start buying cars again...

Fuck off with the sanctimonious posturing. 

This is like meeting a beautiful girl at a bar, doing shots together and then finding out she used to be a dude. 100% CP.

Would you pay that for an unadulterated Saturn Sky? No. So why would you pay it for a Saturn Sky with a bad body kit?

I pretty much checked out too, but this is the best COD yet. Period. And warzone is pretty super duper as well. I honestly have no complaints :)

An important lesson for us all: if you want to do the crimes without punishment, keep doing the crimes until the cops give up.

I hate weeping while I eat my lunch, but this is so disappointing. Here’s hoping that the leaks we saw last week are real and that there are some cooler models coming down the line.

So a Land Rover Discovery??? I thought Ford and Land Rover parted ways?

You’re not wrong. But those things don’t sell cars (and by “cars” I mean crossovers). Shiny, fancy whiz-bang gadgets sell cars. If you don’t have those things and the other guys do, people that don’t care about driving dynamics (i.e., people that don’t read Jalopnik) will be buying their cars, not yours.

Which GM will then say “See!!  No one wants to buy EVs!!!  They only want gas cars!!!”

It seems like GM is taking a wide approach to EV’s which should help normalize them. The big problem is that they appear to be going upmarket with most of them, so if you can’t get the Chevy models for a comparable price to an ICE vehicle, no one is going to buy them. 

I read it that he was going to blow the whistle while still trying to work there, and the FCA pushback/threats are why he’s leaving.

It’s going to be weird to see the new Corvette’s rolling around the streets soon. 

Automated driver aids are banned in F1, and something that automatically adjusts toe angle on the fly would almost certainly fall under that banner. See Renault being disqualified for a race last year for an automated brake bias system.

Did you plan on buying a used Mercedes F1 car before this?

So, you intentionally spend time out on our public roads trying to make things more dangerous for everybody else?