
I would like for part two of this article to focus on how to bid/buy/ship with minimal pain.

Part three could be, oh I don’t know, how to make your wife understand that the household definitely needs a fleet of imported Japanese iron.

If I hit the lottery jackpot, my wife would never know. She’d just wonder why a few dozen Right-Hand-Drive cars suddenly ended up in our Driveway...and front yard....and back yard.

I feel like a lot of this is stuff you’d expect from any car that racks up 400k miles in three years, and I’m no Tesla fan.

good photo until you notice the purple fringe on the mountain line. then that becomes the only focus for the eyes.

Just raise it up 6 inches and it looks like every MB / BMW ugly-ass-egg-shaped-crossover thing.

TBH aren’t all Bugatti’s ugly?

Just so we’re clear, are the images we’re seeing the same prototype that was rejected, or is this the concept that people “enjoyed”...? Because all I see is a black 2010 Panamera.

That’s really not true. A brand new one is double the cost, not many people when car shopping can easily absorb double the cost.

Why? The cat would be perfectly happy with your severed head on his plate...

A CUV with a CVT.

Anytime someone mentions buying an Audi on this site, someone else has to jump in with a comment about terrible maintenance. I bought a 2012 A5 in 2016 with about 34k miles. I’m up to 82k now, and the only thing outside of normal maintenance I’ve had to do was replace a wheel bearing. My uncle has had an A8, S6, and 3

Nissan board room - “Gentlemen, project ‘a floating roof in every garage’ has failed. I’m out of ideas.”

Sure Tesla don’t own the car, but I think they are trying to say that they still own the software, and the right to use that software was purchased by the original owner, not the dealer or the subsequent owner. Thus that right was stripped away. Until of course, the new owner pays to reinstate it.

Right, because a typical pre-purchase inspection includes confirming that features listed on the original window sticker haven’t been remotely removed from the car by the manufacturer, and any used car buyer who fails to have one of these mythical pre-existing feature inspections performed deserves what they get.

I see Tesla is now doing with their cars what I used to do with my Bumble profiles. See, I’m not technically lying — you see, I used to be a chiseled, rippling mass of 6'4" muscle.

What’s to stop them from doing this to any used car?

Oh it'll probably brick itself without regular communication with a certain server. Something like that. 

I’m mad about it and it didn’t even happen to me..... This is pretty horse shit... Essentially Tesla messed up and sent out a car with features it shouldn’t have had, then remotely disabled them.... nah that’s crap. They messed up, they need to eat the cost.

This should be a cautionary tale— Tesla is clearly telegraphing intent to “make life miserable” for owners once these cars go off warranty and off support. Parts will get hard and “keeping the functions I paid for” will get even harder.

oh man, I would be so fucking mad if this happened to me