
Stuck in the Middle is more like clinging to the side. Get the hell out.

YouTube does have motivation here. Sponsored content. This may be a move to signing deals and in-house YouTubers. The open platform is costly.

Didn’t move my mouse for the whole 3 minutes I spent on the page. It kept spewing out random information. Pretty sure it’s fake.

It is not cheap here, but when a global company uses this for marketing, there is money to be made. This should be an easy case, and will most likely be settled before it even goes to court.

The issue is a little more widespread than “taking an image down”, because it was shared all over.

Italy and Iceland for her. I wouldn’t mind either one! Haha! She’s getting board certified for her work, and I told her we’ll go to Italy when she finishes. Two more years to go!

I know. Something so captivating about it. Just doesn’t seem natural.

I really wish I had realized my desire to be a photographer! Wasted a lot of college! Haha!

It is a beautiful country. I went with a large school group and loved that environment. Maybe I can convince my wife to go on a trip! I’ve really had my sights on Iceland.

Freaking brilliant.

This one greatly details the flaws of ADR and DLR and the past assumptions “that there are ‘no detectable employment losses from the kind of minimum wage increases we have seen in the United States’”

Correlation does not imply causation. My argument is not based on a shift in economy, but on a shift in technology. We are rapidly approaching a bottleneck that will see much of our current workforce shift further to tech-related minimum wage positions.

Seven decades of outdated data. We live in a day and age with the ability to automate like never before. Don’t expect those values to hold so well.

It’s a great shot! I went kayaking near Tortuguero and found tons of them hanging near the water. All in perfect little lines. Of course I was a teenager and and only had a little disposable camera. Wish I could go back!

Funny how the guy was stopped by someone (just happened to be a police officer) “in the right place at the right time”. Did I forget to mention the man had a gun? Oh yeah. That helps in ending a massacre.

Costa Rica is full of them!! Wish I had a camera when I went.

I’m partial to cutting off heads.

You breathed on it wrong.

That’s not really tax evasion. The reseller was located in an area without sales tax, and decided to markup the device’s price.

So you can’t resale a used one?

My go to line.

They are the Democratic establishment. They won’t be leaving it any time soon.