
Assumptions will be your downfall.

Same! It’s fun. Really intuitive - total opposite of CAD

This. My dad inputs all of his plans (construction superintendent) into SketchUp. He loves it.

Research ABA. That will help you a bit more than any marketing scheme.

Exactly! Change is the only constant.

Horses. That always does the trick.
If not: Dragons.

Doesn’t help in your 20s.

That’s where churches lose their path. Every sin was made equal. Not one of us is better than another. We all do wrong!

Then you’re clearly giving to the wrong church. There are bad charities out there too.

Awesome post!

Yeah. My Pastor is so rich, we just had to stock his pantry full of food because he had spent all his “salary” on keeping the church doors open.

Definitely willing! I’ve sponsored a few foster families throughout my life. But most of volunteering was an outreach program counseling young women deciding whether to have abortions or not. I wasn’t a counselor, but I delivered meals, clothes and toiletries weekly. It can be done. We just don’t love each other

That doesn’t work for the majority of pro-lifers. That’s like saying don’t have sex with a prostitute if you don’t support sex trafficking. To a pro-lifer, abortion is murder. It is a global moral issue.

That makes sense then. Thanks for explaining it.

I’m not really with small government. I take more of the Kaine approach to Democratic. I don’t agree with abortion. If it’s an emergency? It should be made accessible. I don’t understand the side that wants to fund every-day abortions. I understand WHY someone would think that way, but it’s impossible for me to

How hard it is? Geez people get birth control just to fight acne!

In modern medicine, it is very much near that. Condoms can be had free from many clinics and birth control can be received through insurance. Abortions, on the other hand, are much harder to get than condoms or birth control. They are also MUCH more expensive. Yanking the condom off isn’t really viable with the

Sure. Someone I know could have an abortion too.

I don’t mind it for emergency reasons. At all. That’s just life.

Their choice is to use birth control. Don’t end a life because you’re careless.