
Except Clinton wanted to extend access to 3rd trimester abortions.

Do you have any proof that they will ban emergency abortions?

How does any murder affect me personally?

Does that help you sleep at night?

Human Rights, but have an abortion!

Sale must be long gone. Can’t find anything even remotely close to this in CA

Sitting at my work desk... “Screw that beach man”

No, Cruise Control does not set your RPMs. It sets your speed.
So unless you drive on extremely flat highways, you won’t have this problem. Even then, he expects you to vary your speed constantly? That’s annoying.

This guy seriously needs to reevaluate life. He must be so much fun to drive with. “Don’t rest your thigh

Uh-oh. Guess The Atlantis Gene was right. Damn.

Energy drink abuse is way too common on job sites.

Seriously? Another M4? Geez.

That or a foot button.

Download the weight limit mod ring

So hide it and reveal later that you knew before the election? Yeah, that’ll work out.

That’s the unfortunate bit. What is he supposed to do? If the public found out he was briefed on new emails before the election but waited, there would be hell to pay. He’d be pitch-forked right out of there. This way, you can’t prove he did anything (unless it’s all falsified) to purposely damage the election.

Unfortunately, Mott & Bow never carry anything over 36" waist

Unfortunately, Mott & Bow never carry anything over 36" waist


AND THE KIDS!! How many beatings have kids been spared because they didn’t yank their parents’ laptop off the counter?!?

$2399 for the 15"