
Eh. I don’t look down at my keyboard that much. Seems like a waste. And now I’ll miss that SD card slot.

The “weird noise” sounds like the guy is replaying the snapchat video he just took. You can clearly hear someone say “Go”

Yes you do. The water is recycled.

MAN. When I bought Pokemon Red. Right in the feels.

A grand worth of dedicated camera equipment? T2i and a nifty-50. $350.

It’s strange how relationships grow stronger and more meaningful, while also less trustworthy. The point right before trusting is always absolutely insane when you look back on it.

It is a very human and also non-human reaction. That kind of anxiety or fear is both familiar and completely alien. I’ve been there, and


My 9 month old is straight up addicted to Word Party. Just hum the theme song and she’ll start dancing.

Geez, it’s like making someone smile these days is flirting. Damn I just hate seeing unhappy people and I know how happy it makes me when someone just talks to me nice.

They’ve got a good list of publishers/developers!

Holy hell. What a damn article. Thank you.

Ohhhhh good Lord. Will be trying.

Rendering stutters like crazy. Exporting is like watching grass grow. Sure, I can have windows of Photoshop, Lightroom, and Indesign open, but attempt to run processes in more than 1 of them and you’re not going to have a good time.

I agree. They lasted. In 2006.

Desktop class, as in the K and X series? Unlocked cores? Not ULP? You can’t get that in a Mac. Plenty of laptops run K or higher series processors. Quad core and unlocked. Hell, whole companies ONLY build laptops with desktop CPU’s, even put in a desktop class GPU.

Sorry. The GTR does not sound horrible.

It isn’t a matter of liking. Ask anyone running an Apple based system in IT. Their build quality has gone down in flames. That was a very key aspect and purchasing point. Simplicity has also been a past positive, but some important command lines are not even functional anymore. I love Macbooks, in design and

OHHH man. Can’t wait for someone to hack this. Switch the keyboard to Farsi.

But I think he’s getting at the fact that they’ll buy an Apple. They’re already overpaying for useless shit.

Between my raging Trump-loving FIL and my Clinton obsessed cousins, I’ll be glad to just have some food pics and “Like & Share” posts.