
Meanwhile, around that time, in Colombia (where I am from), a neighbor was getting gunned down in front of me and my siblings for getting involved with a gangsters’ wife. I still have nightmares about that day. And no, it wasn't the first time somebody was shot nearby, but the first time I saw it from such a short

If the artiste is so worried about the environment, he should have smeared the cake on Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk and all the other space tourism yutzes:
Leave the Mona Lisa alone-she had nothing to do with climate change.

French dude here.

How can a person both smile and frown at the same time?

There are more guns in America than people. Even if guns were outright banned today, there’d still be millions in circulation for the foreseeable future. That’s not to mention the fact that often the guns used in these shootings were acquired by circumventing already existing laws.

I have the $10 PF membership and it’s great. You’re limited to only the PF location you signed up at but that’s not a problem for me. There’s plenty of machines and other things to do. I’ll typically do the 30-minute quick workout circuit (when assholes aren’t using it as their own personal gym space) one day and then

does it really though?

You realize people can make “jokes” about things suggesting view points that they don’t actually believe in right?

“It’s hard to imagine how Gervais’ special, which draws a direct connection between trans women and rapists, does not “incite hate or violence.”

No matter what he says or does going forward, there are plenty of queer and trans comics we could all be supporting instead of yet another disappointing white man.

Imagine the horror of a world without your cancel culture nonsense. All those people who like both Mulaney and Chappelle forced to be happy as a result of a fun surprise while haters had to feel for 15 minutes as though their specific political opinions were not being catered to.

Yeah it’ll reduce drunk driving incidents and needless death and harm

@Reproductive Justice! (shudder)

You are woefully conflating two different things. Somebody intentionally stoking fears as a call to action while believing none of it just to generate advertising revenue vs. somebody using music to talk about lived experiences are not the same. And when a rapper speaks on things

Since the poster “Reproductive Justice!” (ah the irony) is just dismissing any and all criticism, here’s my dismissed post. I stand by it. Please check out the pending posts for all of the “bigots” this person has dismissed so far. This person is a real piece of work.

Careful, Jezzies. “Reproductive Justice” is a racist trying to deter points away from the tragedy and proper discussion. This is a popular white supremacist/GQP narrative trick by using logical fallacies and whataboutism to keep attention away from them.

That is the dumbest take I've read yet. People need to get over their names?

You forgot “pacific” instead of “specific.” We have a director at my company who uses that and it’s surprisingly annoying.

As someone whose name has been mangled my entire life, I cannot stress this enough: Don’t make a big show of “I’m so dumb lol” or “ wow, what an *unusual* name” etc. Literally just say, “Hey, I want to make sure I say this correctly - how should I pronounce your name?"