
LOL, the dude talking about how barbaric the killing is wants a return of public executions.

Yes, because there are no murders in states with the death penalty.

Dispose eat? Seems a shame to let that fresh goose go to waste.

While the odds aren’t zero, they might as well be. Under 5 injuries per year in a country of 330 million. You’re about as likely to be struck by lightning while fighting off a great white shark that’s shooting bees out of its mouth.

Your screen name is “jomama123.” Do not critique anyone else’s attempt at humor.

The game is a masterpiece. A work of art. Glad to see it’s selling well.

Absolutely maidenless comment.

Some real whackadoos in the comments today. Good to know gamers are just as insane as the rest of the population.

LOL shut up. “Don’t have sex.” What a moronic take. Don’t eat! Don’t sleep!

Not about a difference of opinion, dumbass. I love that you’re all just eye-rolling about a loss of a woman’s fundamental right to choose. It’s so trivial to you, huh?

This isn’t about “speech.” This is about a woman’s fundamental right to choose. You don’t understand the stakes here. I’m sure you’re a woman, too, if you think ectopic pregnancies are “the only problem”.

It’s hilarious that you thought you made a point here. Give up your PS+ account or shut up about this issue!

You’re right. The potential loss of a fundamental right to have control over your own body is not a big deal at all. We should all be so neutral and just let these Conservative monsters take away women’s rights while we sit back and be neutral.

Oh, what a brave open-minded lover of free speech you are! Yes, let’s respect the anti-abortion crowd because all this boils down to is a calm discussion about a trivial matter and each side’s viewpoint is equally valid.

Oooof. Democrats are going to get absolutely annihilated in the mid-terms. They must be laughing their asses off at how easy it is to turn so many people against this administration. All fear and anger.

I agree with her. White people should be the arbiters of which terms are racist. Hell, no one can tell ME that the n-word is racist!

Jesus fucking christ the “approved” people on this site.

Same exact stupid comment fifty times. This must be the way to get approved on Kinja.

I bet it is tough to break into a market dominated by, apparently, hot dogs and fermented shark meat.

I agree with Alito. We should definitely look to the 1700s to see what rights are deeply rooted in American tradition and then use that as a blueprint for the modern era.