
Son’t worry Drew - no one will ever accuse you of civility (or talent).

Then why are only comments that agree with your point of view highlighted and the ones that don’t are kept in the grays. Every writer on this site does that which seems to be against whatever point you were trying to make.


I thought you were going to say “I knew it was going to be terrible and badly directed”

Marijuana wasn’t the only thing in the Cavs locker room that got smoked.

I’ve posted this below but I hope it gets approved so some of you stupid self-righteous idiots trying to defend Islam understand that in the real world it’s not some peaceful, tolerant religion that will happily live alongside other religions and atheists.

Right? I’ve been fighting racist trolls claiming this wasn’t islamic terror all night. It is exhausting trying to get through to people this far gone from reality.

You’re such an evolved person, aren’t you? Such a bastion of liberal progressivism. Yep! You personify the left, and their moral superiority.*

*in other words, you’re an intolerant asshole for posting this. You show that you’re no better than the worst Republican out there when you post shit like this, and you only

Trump’s biggest gift to our country is the efficiency with which he has laid bare how much of our politics are about eating shit. People that “respect our institutions” and keep voting for rich assholes to represent them have been eating well-seasoned shit their entire lives. Trump took away all your spices.

I’m not sure I buy that other cities are less defensive about accusations of racism among the everyman sports fanship.

Go back to Stormfront, you misogynistic Basilisk!

Despite how much I hate this so-called “selective ban of people from that 7 countries listed during Obama’s presidency”, the campaign against it has been very divisive, not by Trump this time, but by the liberals themselves. Yes, DJT has prevented people who are entitled to enter USA legally from exercising their

You know it’s funny, I read the whole Executive Order and I’ll be damned if I could find the word Muslim anywhere in it.

Shut the fuck up. I'm a woman and a feminist and it doesn't take a genius to figure out how quickly jezebel would have pounced on ANYONE had they made an article discussing labias that look like Arby's sandwiches and they would have SCOFFED at the implication that such descriptions weren't meant as body-shame but