
Former server/bartender/restaurant manager for over 15 years here.

Setting aside the horrifically low wages restaurant staff are paid by most places, if the pay rate is already implied that you don’t have to tip (Chipotle, etc) then it’s just that - don’t tip.


Rickey don’t take no pipe. Rickey give the pipe.

I don’t understand this view, and would appreciate if you would expand it. I’ll copy/paste what I wrote to Drew up there and hopefully you can help me out here. I’m genuinely questioning, too.

“His name is part of a national story, especially considering his racist history online. Like it or not, when Trump retweets

Drew, I love you. Mainly bc my name is Drew, too.

But, your write up here is not wise. CNN said they WOULD NOT release his name for his safety.

Goddamn I love you so much. Seriously, huge fan ever since I first saw your comments.

This comment here is exactly why Deadspin is the best.

+1 long-ass pinkie fingernail

You literally sound like a Nazi.

I mean, I get what you are trying to say here but saying McGregor would get his ass kicked in an actual fight is just.....I’ll call it absurd. I wanna call it stupid but that may be a stretch.

Except that lower taxes and smaller govt just doesn’t work in a fucking country with over 330 million people.

It’s hard to believe your comment got so many likes. “Lower taxes and smaller govt” GTFOH

Nope. Been using it for 2 years straight w/ no condoms (gf has a IUD) and no yeast infections, no unbalancing of flora, etc.

I don’t know why tis wasn’t mentioned but it’s the best sexual lubricant I’ve ever used

I still feel the trauma today!!!

It seems to me you are doing everything in your pwer to not answer the question at hand.

Nah, he just came over from his 6-year hiatus on Mediaite hahahahaha

alleged PED use. Okay?

Shit, I say you’re both right, life is complicated, and true baseball fans will remember Pujols for just how good he really was.

There it is!! +1

But it’s not just a bad word is it?

I’m 37 now and as i get older this is the specific aspect of sports that keeps me in it at all. Seeing someone be so good at something so difficult is hard to put into words without sounding like a blabbering Albom atrocity. I absolutely devour short to long docs on these guy’s entire lives...where they came from,