
This song is absolute shit. I love Khaled but this is....just....

Are you actually being serious?

If the Vikings organization wants a new stadium then they need to pay for it themselves, period.

you right, you right!

Every single thing about this, from the bird massacre to the ripping off of the people of that city, is just one huge fucking dumpster fire.

How is it immature to point out that there are approximately 183x the amount of people who agreed with my comment over yours?

You realize that someone who is as narcissistic as Milo would totally date another man to keep up the performance, yes? That would probably be quite easy for him, actually, I believe.

Considering my comment has 127 stars to your zero I’d considering shutting the fuck up if I were you.

You really should just stop. Take the L ere and just walk away like a normal person.

If you looked up “stupid take” on Google, and then clicked Images, a screenshot of your comment here would be there.

Wow, you must reeeeeally not like your roommates lol

That is the most WTF comment i have seen in awhile, from numerous directions. Jesus Christ.

No one said it’s an accomplishment.

The reason it is tolerated so much is bc of special interest groups here. In America, you either win or you fucking lose, and that is the mentality carried by a LOT on the right. Not all, but a lot, and definitely more so than the left. In order to win, the narrative has been presented that there has to be two sides.

This entire article’s premise is garbage and this is a complete hack job. I have defended gawker, etc over the years but this is just pure, unadulterated filth.

“If this is it, well, we’ll always remember 2009 and 2010, when Felix just threw marbles and chainsaws at people.”

I mean, that is true, but I will remember this guy’s entire career. He has been nothing short of a revelation in baseball terms - the extremely rare all-time great front end ace who never gets hurt AND

Well I’m SOOOO sorry that I don’t like the fact that just anyone can call in and report errors on the golf course, OKAY!?!?

Yeah but wording is important and this little shit wrote, “what the Jews stand for.” Not stood for, not are.......but what they currently stand for.

“Solomon Graves, a spokesman for the Arkansas Department of Corrections, said that Lee requested the Hoky Communion in lieu of a last meal.”

I don’t know if that was on purpose but either way YASSSSSSS

When the worst thing you have ever done is murder someone the way this man did, and then broadcast it for everyone to see after the fact, it makes it hard for me to find any room for argument that he was nice.

Then I would recommend shutting her mouth, bc “He’s a nice guy” is just short of, “He’s innocent!” in terms of the worst things she could have said.