
As much as I’m with you, I don’t think the commenter you are replying to is saying that. I think he or she is saying that there are a whole plethora of cuss words to call people, and when a man calls a woman a bitch, specifically, and then clarifies that with, essentially, “you know how these uptown Bronx bitches

I’m with you here, and you’ve actually made me think about this, bc my go-to in situations that get really tense (in the past...I, thankfully, haven’t been involved in an actual physical fight in almost 2 decades) is pretty much “you fuckin’ bitch” and it is totally directed at men, as if to imply to them they are

I’ve already flagged him.

It says in the goddamned article lol

As a starter in high school and into my sophomore year of college, I conditioned myself greatly, simply bc I was pushing 5'9" 175 at the time and if I wasn’t in better shape than everyone else I wouldn’t have stood a chance bc of how much energy I had to exert to reach 90+ mph. I could run a sub-5 minute mile until I

Former professional pitcher here, albeit at the minor league level.

I’ve already corrected it.

Just like you anger the music gods and their wrath is Swift!

Those two mistakes makes this a shit article? That’s really fucking harsh.

I would suggest you spend a little more time thinking bout why, out of everything to talk about in this entire thing, you want to harp so much on this really, really weird takeaway - that #notallTrumpsupporters.


Thanks for taking one for the team, brah!

Literally boggles my mind more and more each day. Right there with you, and I completely agree with you.

I think your logic here gets thwarted, though, by the fact that by going public with that Hillary re-opening bullshit 11 days before the election we now see the disastrous results of NOT getting the information backed up by intelligence, etc.

As a white man who has a background in the arts, I want to sincerely say thank you for this interview. I am constantly trying to learn about Blackness and what roles I can play, if any, in helping to promote a more positive message towards “Black” art and Blackness in general.

Soooooo, #notallpenishavers then.

As I responded to someone else, I may be wrong. My take on the initial take may be stupid.

There may or may not be large amounts of people who think I’m an asshat, but I’ve found that the majority of people who think that don’t really like to be challenged on their views, so, as I tell we are!

okay, I have to ask you to explain

I literally will not watch this for 2 reasons:

1) because even reading the description made me cringe so fucking hard I barely made it through the article without NOPE-ing out of it, and

I’m not saying I disagree with you (thanks for the thoughtful reply, as opposed to me calling what someone said stupid).