Noise in the machine

Just test drove one and agree that it is a very good driver. So much fun! Something about the interior, while its not exactly ‘mini’ it does kind of hug you a little inside. Probably my next.

You know you've made it when words are appropriately modified to make it more fancy: colour.

and slashdot

Can’t give the quarterback a concussion, might as well give it to the lineman.

The first question asked was: “Do you think that you can by a self Driving Car today?”

But but but, I talk to the ether and have paper towels delivered to my doorstep. We live in the Carousel of Progress!

1. Icon + Unimog

Im starting a new revolutionary car company called Vaypoor Lifestyle (slushfund) Autos. You could buy in to it and get a custom bespoke early sample. I can’t show you the design yet but it certainly is a cross between the Agera and the Porsche GT2 Cup Turbo Hyper Fighting Champion Edition. It will have the performance

You had me at follow up

(son)...or climbs on something that is clearly not meant to be even leaned on and you tell them they will fall off and they say ‘no i won’t’ then proceed to somersault onto pavement/hardwood/toy minefield and cry while looking at you like its your fault

especially since you probably can’t see any of the damn signs/lines.

What to expect? (see lead image)

Slid too much under the radar.....

The ol’ R&D (Rip-off & Duplicate) design methodology.

I was going for the bored farmhand-likes-to-shoot-holes-in-tailgate and then drive around likes its a badge of honor or something.

That and the Pats D is actually not that great.

Agree. One more punt and it would have been lights out. That fumble really let them back in it. IMO that series starting with the knock-out attempt to Gordon (ending in fumble) changed that game. Pats could have been predictable and kept running thru that line.

I love this car it is perfect, however, how many brain cells have to be missing for you to honestly consider paying $7500 for this? I don’t care if this actually comes with real panda. There’s no way there’s enough sheet-metal to make this worth that much.

The prison version of the Aerosmith 'Pump' album cover.

Unfortunatley, the tailgate isn't bullet proof.