Noise in the machine
stickbreakfun much hot air.  Take a minute to cool off.

I had hoped they would release a Auto-like dashboard, but this is close.

There’s a lot of hate on the pricing.

I agree, at least on the reaching part...

In retrospect without context this seems like a reasonable answer.

They’d name it a Trans-stripper model.....

I have an opened case of dollar store water sitting in my garage because my wife went to a work thing and she got suckered into driving. What is that? If it was one or 2 I’d have dumped it long ago.....but its a case with 2 or 3 taken out of it.  Think I’ll have to bring this to some random birthday party and leave

In conclusion: not hyperloop just someone utilizing the highly visible trademark to pursue public transportation. Disappointing

Love that car/wagon/van/thing just the most uncomfortable seats in existence.

Build takes about 10s, it’s best to do it in groups though. Its much more efficient to bang thwm out that way. Then start again in 30 mins.

First picture looks C-Class or Infinity. Meh, not really doing anything for me. Seems more ‘Me Too’ not ‘Check this Out

Come visit Elio Motors and try our new ‘Vaporcar’.

CD-Rs were great, until the cd delaminated.

An Alfa is like an keep peeling away the layers just keep crying and crying and crying.

Incoming! Self-righteous Tesla owners to the rescue.!

Duh, you can only go to the dealer to get the special Prius tires.  Do you even Prius?

Better yet mention you have a cell phone and you’re not afraid to use it.

Pretty sure its the NH State Mule.

Women = Time x Money

You mean so he can make more guaranteed money as a backup for someone else?