Noise in the machine

Everything must be black or white these days......

Ludicrous!, of course

I think this was clearly roughing the kicker 

It comes in a box of pieces.....some actually are from the original car.

Weren’t these the same asses that got into trouble a while back? They are just doing some ‘hard front-line reporting’ to try to stay relevant.  

Agree. I said in a previous post that this is all peripheral noise to someone in such an ‘important’ role. He doesn’t care anything that doesn’t immediately affect winning games and keeping that selfie-stick up his ass. This applies to all head coaches at big schools (small too likely).

Obviously its because the designer put the hood ornament in the wrong spot.

Q: Do you want Free Stuff?

Always use new rubber?

I once did something similar for a design class....had to hit a spot on a football field (distance not height). We rifled ours by offsetting the fins and sent it thru the uprights on the other end of the field on our second try.

no -> know....ya know? know.  

<sarcasm> But there’s nothing like the real thing....</sarcasm>

wtf? Full auto....with a kids slide in the background? And jiggling, lets not forget jiggling. 

and insure it....

AKA The Vortex of Commuting Hell!

For the most part, lines are usually ‘guidelines’ anyway in a morning commute here.  

Can you imagine the bidding process to build this?...... Hahahaha.

I have a lot of experience with multi-room systems and while not owning an Apple product in quite some time, when this launched, i knew they would hit it out of the park....but they didn’t.

This is totally Ratchet and Clank......

Truck: ‘Oh no you don’t!’ (as hand grabs junk)