Saab Story
This is Gawker media. If you are white, male, christian, and swing just a little to the right, you are the equivalent of a hard-line muslim terrorist that needs to be executed. Everybody except them, deserve equal rights in this community’s eyes. They should practice what they fucking preach.
1.) There is nothing wrong with holding a prayer.
So you’re saying prayer is bad? People at my work pray all the time and I work for a pretty big media company and I’m agnostic. The only people that have a problem with prayer are people who just want to bitch about something.
That’s not how statistics work at all. Ratios are meaningless. Even if you’d bought all five of those Hondas in one year (and I’m guessing you did not), you’re talking about a sample of roughly 0.003%. What are the odds that such a tiny sample is representative?
It can be confusing to read this site. It’s a lot of people complaining about cars they’d never buy/could afford. Truck Yeah! reviewed the MDX, praised the handling and said, “the MDX is a damn good SUV.” The MDX has true torque-vectoring SH-AWD and is light years ahead of every SUV/CUV on the road under $50k. Taking…