Sarah T.

The director consistently maintains that he actually cut material that made Mitchell seem too villainous.

Unless you want to define "Serious Fans" as "only people who started listening before Challengers was released," then I might agree with you, but I don't believe that older fans are purer fans.

I can't even read this discussion. New Pornographers are the only band where I seem to disagree with every single fan about something. It was strange to become a fan right when Challengers was released and everyone was claiming that it sort of sucked in comparison - personally the album was a revelation to me, and

I went to college during the prime "Voyeurism" dating game period, so I have a big soft spot for "Blind Date," "Elimidate," and even "The Fifth Wheel," which was the worst of the bunch.

I did see that much-better-comment after I posted! Damn you, Load More Comments!

It actually earned him somewhere around $230 for a million plays (he completely ignores performance royalties). Furthermore, 1 play on Pandora is very different than 1 play on Sirius XM or AM/FM radio, because 1 play on Pandora is 1 listener, while 1 play on AM/FM is tens of thousands of listeners.

Mr. I Will Probably Forget This Qu, Esq.: Under what legal basis can the producers of Black Swan waive federal and state minimum wage laws? Are they a non-profit corporation? Are the plaintiffs classified as student-learners (and thus cannot be fetching coffee or replacing a paid worker)? Are they working in

So you are bragging about being so stupid that you worked for free?

Absolutely agreed. The DoJ rules governing interns are very clear - I am not a lawyer but if those accusations are true then those companies are violating minimum wage laws.