
She’s wonderful, and I know she’s right intellectually, but damn is it hard to accept emotionally. I’m on the anger stage of grief and have a bit of a ways to go ‘til acceptance.

She’s been forged by fire.

Between this and this

No, she lost a primary election before.

I’m so impressed at how great and put together she looks. How do you suffer such a massive and public disappointment and be okay? I would be wrapped in a blanket guzzling wine like Tami Taylor watching Gilmore Girls for like a month.

Well, hey. Trump may have a blank check to destroy this county for everyone who isn’t wealthy, white and male, but we can all take comfort in the fact that Mitch McConnell will push back against congressional term limits. He’s truly the hero we deserve.

Trump is Professor Quirrel and Pence is the Voldemort tumor growing out of the back of his head. The guy is a full-blown nutjob that makes Ted Cruz look reasonable. 

I am a lot more frightened of a Pence presidency than I am of a Trump presidency. Trump doesn’t know how to do any of this. Pence knows how to get laws passed.

Pence is very much the reason I wish him adequate health and only the average amount of treatable inconveniences a person may experience. If I wanted theocracy, there are countries yet to choose from.

Either he will buckle under the weight of his incompetence and look to them to dictate policy, or his massive ego will force him to stick to his guns and muddle through.

I think the hope is that he will quickly realize that he is out of his league and will cede most of the actual governing to Pence and his advisors - who will not be good by any means, but at least they’re politicians who are unlikely to nuke Europe or something like that. The campaign trail is a circus - and Trump is


Yes. This is the bargaining stage. You called it. Trump’s gotta’ Trump. There will be no pivot. Hasn’t been. Won’t be.

I made a lot of jokes after my rape. It was how I got through it. You can’t constantly stare something so traumatic in the face without trying to distance yourself on certain levels. It’s how you get by without crumbling.

Yes, we can’t believe her if she ever shows any emotions besides shame and terror.

Absolutely. I’m sorry you had that interaction - nothing like having a reasonable conversation and suddenly running into someone like that.

Could people please flag that hautsch troll? His comments have really crossed the line. Thanks.

You said “I doubt she’s as traumatized as she claims” when Swift never claimed to be traumatized.

Swift didn’t “claim” to be “traumatized”. She didn’t used that word at all. She described being very upset three years ago. It’s gross that you’re making stuff up and attributing it to a sexual assault victim just to call her a liar. Sexual assault is still a crime when the victim is able to make jokes three years

Welp, since someone already brought you out of the greys, I’m curious. What SHOULD a traumatized person act like? Please, tell me, I want to take notes so that I can be sure to perform trauma sufficiently should I ever be in a similar situation. You know, in case a jury is full of people like you.