STFU And Die, Assholes

I don’t recall any third-party app hacking into private data telling you where all your exotics would drop from (which is essentially what these did), and, if you want to seem the least bit intelligent, you should think about what you say. The Destiny app was made by Bungie, and it used the data that was theirs, not

Thank you, this is like the only comment that uses actual logic in their argument.

Or, you know, you could wait until they have a bit of free time to get around to finishing up their own tracking system... And even with the three footprint (Currently removed), you can easily tell which Pokemon you’re closest to by looking in the top row, geniuses...

I’m gonna be completely honest, I’m really fucking pissed at how retarded a lot of these “fans” must be. They just finished releasing in what, 30+ different countries? What do fans say about that? “Make things work in my fucking country, then go worry about others.” Or “ Spend your time and money finding the right