Congrats! You got the attention you were craving for by running at night in the middle of a snowstorm. You got to be on TV at the expense of a bruised back.
Congrats! You got the attention you were craving for by running at night in the middle of a snowstorm. You got to be on TV at the expense of a bruised back.
You look kind of attractive, but I can't quite tell. I feel like there's a pixie cut lurking under your hood, needless to say, that would bring down your attraction level. Can you please confirm or deny the presence of a pixie cut?
In truth she did not admit fault - she just said running in snow is a "shitload of fun" stop cutting her a break because she's not bad on the eyes. Foolish act as the video clearly shows, no bones about it.
It's not just the fall though; the greatest part about it is the unbridled enthusiasm and confidence you have in your snow-running abilities in the interview immediately BEFORE the fall. The fall itself is a dime a dozen. The two together? That's a spicy a-meatball. A+
Which bank were you on your way to rob?
I wonder how many runners they had to ask to talk about running before finding these two brave souls.
This is an injustice. Why can't the people allow him to fight and be okay with it? What do you people have against a half Jewish/half Hispanic man? Are you all antisemitic?
Generally, when you talk shit about how someone isn't going to win it is because you are going to win. And looking at the finals scores it appears the Canadian snowboarders did not win.
I love the penalty loop. Don't just add time, make them do work!
"Can we leave the gay stuff behind and just focus on the original subject line of our discussion, Wizards and Beavers?"
The I my thing? No wonder they lost. Football is a team game.
Ya know man, we can just go on twitter ourselves if we really want to....
"Better than the ride on the H train." - Philip Seymour Hoffman
90% of the inquiries this year were from a retired Ray Lewis spending entire Sundays yelling "WHAT TIME IS IT?" and waiting hopelessly, endlessly for his smartphone to reply.
I don't care to read any of this on my favorite CAR site.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go back to daydreaming about what I'd do with a million dollars, a racetrack for a day, and an unlimited amount of tires.
A famous tenet of John Lohke's An Essay Concerning Human Understanding is the idea that man can easily revert back to tabula rasa with a well-timed kick to the head.
Kluwe: Hey Blair, whatcha thinkin' about?
"Yeah, you always have to cut a cheque that's ten times bigger when they start making noise."
This is how zombies are made.
/sad trombone