
I’m disappointed because Maddie forgot her usual final paragraph about how this is all because of catastrophic man made global warming and we are all going to die - probably within the next decade.

Every last “news” source identified and listed is to the left and far left - I’m shocked! Shocked I tell you.

Maddie’s extremist alarmism on the “gizmo” (what a lie) site is so annoying.

Catastrophic Climate Change: approaching 0.

Would never happen in the US because people like you are irrationally terrified of people like Ted Cruz. It is that simple.

Jizmodo is going to be excited until they find out the level of Democrat malfeasance and then they will be silent - it is the pattern. “What? James Johnson, Obama’s shadow economic advisor caused the housing crisis? I don’t have a clue what you are talking about. We are a third rate gadget oriented site that

Maddie - Could you please do a little bit of study on systems theory? I think being somewhat informed about what you are talking about would really help you overcome your alarmism. You might even sleep at night. Best wishes.