STFU! nvleafs

It all makes sense now.

@CapitalJigga: For the games folder, I'm using ADW Launcher Ex, (I have a shortcut on my main launcher to go to this one). I set it to hide the statusbar and dock since it's not really needed at this screen. I "made" the icons myself and used minimalistic text for the top portion.

You know what's awesome? If I really wanted to I can make my Android homescreen look like iOS or Windows Phone 7.

I saw something similar on XDA Developers and decided to use it myself. Maybe there?

No idea how to upload images here but this is what mine looks like.

Launcher7 and ADW Launcher Ex

Dear friend,

The central command is on the Rusalka. The numbers told me.

Master Chef: Cooks the Covenant and eats it.

2nd image gives me the impression that it will make the phone twice as thick.

Well, if I'm correct, there would be radiation everywhere after the nuke. Have fun in your basement while I'm outside playing patty-cake by myself with my four arms.

@#16 for the win: How is telling somebody you're going to buy something then backing out fraud? On eBay, sure, you are in a contract. But just telling somebody, really?

@Truefire: By faster, I mean while scrolling through my library it doesn't freeze up like every other media player I've used. Drag-and-drop is as simple as making a playlist and dragging all the songs on to my phone. But I use DoubleTwist as it grabs my playlists from iTunes and syncs my phone from there.

@Odin: Sorry to sound like an ass, but can't you just make a playlist with what you want and then sync that? I've never had a problem with any of my iPods syncing everything when I added only a few songs to my playlist.

What's with all the iTunes hate? This is the only music player I've used since I discovered it. I find it faster than any other media player I've ever used. It doesn't bring my netbook to a crawl either. Also, the playlist management is drag-n-drop.

@iRikada: Our princess is in another castle.

Cloud computing will be the norm when mobile data providers get their heads out of their asses.