
That's quite the relief for someone to find out that your mother didn't leave you because you and your dad were unbearable. It was that your mother was a whore

Ruth Wilson's monologue about her sons death was absolutely devastating

Nice to see Quinn making time to deliver schnitzel to our German friends while all this is going on

That's how you pull of a finale, even if it is a mid season finale. I love how they didn't let Oliver win and even teased that he thought he might. Can't wait for January

I can't wait for Grumpy to be on Celebrity Rehab!

I found it funny that Bruce has a conversation with Noah about him cheating on his daughter and doesn't really attack him for it in anyway but instead tries to relate to it

Quinn is one bad mother fucker

Well this war on religion certainly makes the other ones around the world look like child's play

Well praise Jesus this day has finally come!

Always good to trash the label that made you a millionaire

I'm still waiting for these flashbacks to serve a greater purpose other than tying into the weekly story in some very on the nose way

Felicity broke my internet

I can't believe the flash would insult the salmon ladder like that!

There will be so much sex in this

Coke is a great way to lose weight


Alf pogs! Remember Alf? He's back… in pog form!

Spoiler alert:
Bruce gets chased by a bat at the end


That's cold Jay…