
I can see it now. The Graysons are at the supermarket. They see Bruce in front of them in line shopping with Alfred. He's yelling at Alfred for not buying his favorite cereal

I look forward to seeing her naked as well as contributing to the plot

I like her


The robot in the back of the header image looks like he's been powered down

Who's cell phone keeps vibrating?

Just once I'd like to see Roy do one of his flips and upon landing he screams "PARKOUR!" then gets knocked out

You get to choose, red or black….. Black, Definitely black… really Laurel

Finally fans! we could have both Aquamen on the same screen together. Jake Gyllenhaal as Mermelstein and Vinny Chase as Medellin

Next week Bane will be the asshole jock from Bruce's school

One project could be a crime thriller set at a vacation resort. That'll help guests sleep nice and cozy in their hotel rooms

I hope Ra's resurrects Sara and we get a crazy ass Sara vs Oliver fight at the end of the season

The trail of clues will lead them to Wendy, who is now a stripper on the sunset strip!

I thought he wore them because he's a tool?

I'm only on board if the last panel is the entire bat family running away from a shining bat signal

I like how this show more than any other I've watched has me looking at every single visual detail. The little things like Alison's hair or what she is wearing (In Noah's memory she has a skirt but in hers its jeans) is really interesting to piece everything together. Hopefully they don't drag things out too long

Watching Carrie and the child make out gives me the creeps

Give the reigns to the Warner sister

Don't worry, CMT will revive it

No one threatens Daddy Diggle's family, bitch