The correct answer is "Both".
The correct answer is "Both".
GTA V is a blast
It's coming for PS4 next year.
yet just hate men, and men-privileges, but at the same time want to keep several women-privileges in place, and so are against quality. Privileges like for example that you can't commit violence against a women in any media, or state that men can not be raped.
I always figured ya as a smart guy. But that just doesn't make any sense.
Sigh, just stop
PlayStation Now is still in beta, and is supposed to have an optional subscription for it instead of renting by the title... Which, by the way, is *games*.
I absolutely 100% REJECT that excuse.
Bungie does NOT get to fall back on "oh it's like an MMO" because they vehemently said that the game was not an MMO. And evidence from 1 year before release from the vidocs that they themselves put out showed that Destiny had a Halo-style story format with acts and chapters.
I think you need to clarify what you mean by "scourge". If you're referring to how beloved movies tend to get re-released on Blu-ray along side never before seen extras then I have to wholeheartedly disagree with you. This is usually awesome in my experience. There are exceptions, of course... but you usually know…
One does not simply sell a console without strong exclusives.
In an ever increasing digital future, remasters and collections like this are more than welcome in my book.
My final thought a la Jerry Springer, and I want all the Kotaku commenters to take note of this as this guy apparently pulls this shit all the time, is this sentence that so beautifully points out the astounding level of cognitive dissonance you seem to possess:
It is possible to enjoy COD games without being brainwashed. You are not the arbiter of good taste. Further, this
Jetpacks dramatically change movement, and thus the entirety of gameplay. With FPS games it's all about movement and level design. And people seem to be having fun with it.
If nobody wants to talk about what you're talking about, have you considered that it's more about you than everyone else? Perhaps it had less to do with the content and more to do with how you're presenting it?
"don't talk at all"
Ever since Kotaku got rid of any means of having discussion aside from posting comments on articles
You keep using that joke. I do not think people find it funny anymore.
It's just obnoxious, and you know it is because that's how everyone reacts to your comments.
to be devil's advocate:
When Double Fine raised 3 million on Kickstarter, there people screaming that the people backing it could have given 3 mil to charities, the homeless, things that actually mattered. There is always someone who feels holier-than-thou and wants to tell you what to do with your money, and would…