bob derperson

Wait, wait! In my defense — I never called anyone an idiot! Not my style.

Fair enough. :)

It varies from state to state, but I believe Illinois is an ‘at-will’ state, which means both employee and employer can sever the employment at any time for any reason. Maybe if you’re a higher up, you manage to attach some sort of contractual rider for extra protection, but a lot of (most?) employees won’t offer

We did it, everyone!!

It’s true. They’re generally always awful. I wouldn’t even begin to argue that. I’m just old and tired and grumpy and burned out on internet cynicsm. can you criticize something you haven’t seen?

Oh NO this ruins everything! This means the original will stop existing!!! I will be forced to pay money to go see this and I will hate it! I HATE THIS WORLD!!

You... know that salaried employees who receive benefits and such can also be laid off, right?

I don’t know that ‘lazy’ is a fair label at all. A ticking clock is a conscious design mechanic and a very effective one. Maybe not for you, and that’s all good, but I’m usually on the other side — I prefer ticking clocks, a sense of urgency and actual stakes.

Different humans like different things. It’s part of the fun of being alive.

...Did you have to pay to click this?

Such Hot Take!!

David Cage suuuuuucks.

I probably would speak up. But I never hear that kind of thing. Because I’d rather eat a bag of shattered glass than play mic-on with a bunch of random shitbags. Mute All or Party Chat only for this player.

In 15 years, I doubt you’ll care one way or the other.

...Do you really have time to fully play every new game that DOES get made and released?

Hurr? I never said they created shortages to drive up demand. Nor was I ‘hating on Nintendo’.

Huh! It’s almost as if it sold as it did......... BECAUSE they discontinued it!...

Then who the hell am I to begrudge you your vision or make light of your passion with my little jokes? (Especially given that I somewhat mostly for the most part agree with you!)
