bob derperson

I’ve put hundreds of hours into BLOODBORNE. No idea what you’re talking about with ‘unplayable’.

Why is it depressing? It’s just a different platform, different audience, etc.

I keep trying to figure out what might be complicated about piracy, but I’m coming up short.

Someone wants to play something.
Doesn’t want to (or can’t) pay for it.
So they find a way to get it for free, illegally.

What’s complicated about that?

Right there with you. Social Media Mobs kind of scare me in how willing they are to escalate from zero to ‘You are a horrible human being who probably should never have been born’ over a small pile of words.


I think this is the first time I’m seeing someone grumble about a LACK of console exclusives.... :)


‘the whole thing is beyond cliche at this point.’

You’re so cool.

....but seriously - as the other guy asked - what’s so ‘beyond cliche’ about this?

‘...have gotten comfortable expecting every game to have a story campaign, which of course is entitlement.’

I don’t know that I would call that ‘entitlement’ so much as.... having a preference? As a player, I prefer games with single-player campaigns in some form or another. I don’t feel entitled to them. I just

Looking forward to the PS4 Complete Edition!

Are people actually enjoying Fallout 4 that much?

I’m loving it. Certainly not as polished as other releases, full of the usual Bethesda, er... ‘quirks,’ but I’m still loving it.

but it’s not a game for everyone because of the setting.

It’s an opinion. Just like you thinking that the reason they did this was...

....’It was because of religion’ is not an opinion. though... It’s a speculation. You’re speculating. Based on... whatever.

Why shouldn’t developers experiment, create, and test boundaries?
Personally, I’d rather see us ditch the label ‘video game’ in favor of......... something else.

Nope. Game is awesome.

EDIT!!: Oh wait, you said - Its great and worth the money

Stupid me, I read too fast. Still - game is awesome. Can’t. Stop. Playing.

I sort of have a general ‘no fast travel’ rule with most Bethesda games and FO4 hasn’t been an exception. The option is nice, but it just breaks the role playing and immersion for me... I like knowing that I have to factor in foot travel with all my decisions in terms of when to head out, what I’m hauling, which

I’m sorry, what?..... Did you just call PULP FICTION ‘dumb dumb’?

EDITED: (agh, nevermind)

Guard posts are pretty cheap (wood and steel only). And a single settler can, I beLIEVE, technically man up to 3 posts. So 1 settler assigned to ‘guard post’ would get you a defense of 6. A few of those + a turret / spotlight combo should get you good to go.

To be happy, they need food, water and a DEF rating larger than food and water combined.

They also need pictures of cats hanging on the walls.