I dunno.... earlier games, sure. But the vehicles in GTA V steer fine to me.
I dunno.... earlier games, sure. But the vehicles in GTA V steer fine to me.
...really, I think moments like this can work fine, they. just.... need consequences. If there's going to be a choice, it should have an in-game payoff or impact...... I would THINK that would go without saying, but....
I'm going to act like that was a suggestion in good faith and not just yet another "Well, why don't they just make their OWN GAMES?" dismissal.
Especially because - something I see at the root of this whole embarrassing GG debacle — when / if developers DO 'make their own games,' the GG types* can't just leave it…
How do you propose we stop trolls from hijacking GG?
Ha. Man.............. didn't really catch any of that. And I'm a narrativey writer guy!
Here's the crazy part to me — I've played all the 'story' missions I think.
And I have no idea what you're talking about. :)
Crota? Rasputin? .....no idea.
Yeah, I was hoping for a nice drip feed of unique time-sensitive events and bosses and events and such.... But no......
Time to go kill Sepkis Prime...........again......
'Destiny, however, is the first time I actually felt like the game was purposefully gutted.'
Yup, same here. It's the first time for me where I didn't consider the base game 'enough,' where the holes were so gaping and palpable..... Big disappointment.
I just couldn't get that into this one.
They had some nice character work and art, but I kept feeling like the level design was a little uninspired... Environments felt too small and restrictive. Couldn't quite put my finger on it, but I really had to force myself to keep playing....
.......Do kindly explain how expanding the range of characters, subjects, themes, styles, and critical examinations in video games is somehow a 'subversion.'
Comment perfection.
If you honestly believe that Leigh Alexander was calling YOU 'a wailing, angry, white man,' then I think you might've missed the point of her piece entirely.
'Waiting for Pyramid Head.'
It's called context.
......would you kindly name these women who are being 'portrayed as a one man army with no problems and issues' that are infesting everything?
Because, for instance, I'm trying to recall the scene where Katniss declares 'I don't need no man' and I'm having a hard time.
But I mean - ....has he pre-ordered it and paid for it entirely already? If so - ok, I can see where in that case not knowing about the 20GB day one download would be a frustrating thing....
But if not - then it's not 'his' game. It's a game that is being made by a company and they are offering to sell it to him if he…
'we won't have to buy an empty box at a retailer and then download the entire game because they wanted to skimp on production costs.'
Dude. I mean, I get it, but - it's ALL going digital. Sooner or later, retail game distribution will be a thing of the past.
'He's entitled because he wants his game completed at release?'
But... It's not his game.
hahaha. fuck off with the attitude.
We are not talking about 'journalism.' For the most part, we're talking about glorified bloggers. This is not Woodward and Bernstein.
Oh, man, I just read that article. It hurt my brain.
Ignore his sense of entitlement combined with his misogynistic outlook, his relatively privileged upbringing, and the fact that he frequented MRA forums! Focus on the video games.
THIS guy is a gamergate person? What's the connection here?