I have to laugh at the notion that the airlines are competing at all.
I have to laugh at the notion that the airlines are competing at all.
Hot take: Ayton’s not actually that good, he’s just huge. That Buffalo guy just destroyed him all night.
Imagine being concerned about “brand dilution”. Lol. Faster is better. It’s not complicated. If you’re short and procreationally challenged, perhaps this isn’t for you. Enjoy your Miata.
Show me a minivan that does 0-60 in under 6 seconds and tows 5000+ lbs and you’ll have a point.
The rear is very Durango.
This is my ideal commuter for when the weather makes biking intolerable.
Once again we’ll be inundated with armchair quarterbacks opining about how Cousins isn’t worth it, hasn’t won a playoff game, blah blah blah. This is literally exactly how much he is worth.
I’d be surprised if he didn’t write it himself and I would also be surprised if he didn’t include those tags as a subtle troll. Just the kind of guy he is.
He Got Gollum
I happily watch both shows but vastly prefer the very wit and sardonic comedy of GT. TG is just as scripted and way less funny. Still enjoy it, but only GT has me LoLing.
This is the one I want.
This is a thousand time cheesier.
Sure, but given the time value of money, you’re coming out behind by paying cash up front.
You cracked the case Columbo.
You’re more likely to die in a car so just admit you drive because you’re lazy. It’s ok.
If the bike lane is plowed, all you need is the right gear.
Get rid of most parking spaces (which artificially inflate the cost of everything from groceries to rent), build out a useful bike lane system, stop driving in cities, enjoy life.
It’s almost as if shoddy reporting is a defining feature of ESPN...
This may or may not be true, but I could make the same claim about folks using the pretense of caring as a way to shit on MSU. As we all know, it all comes down to fandom, and since MSU is very good at football and basketball, lots of folks hate them and will use any disgusting opportunity to try and shell them.
This car with the Si engine is a paradise I can’t even dare to imagine.