Stevie Welles

Yes those kids should. I wonder if they offer a 5 point harness option for the rear seats like on the Tesla Model S. With the harness, kids don’t need boosters and that would be dope. Let my dog ride in the second row.

This stuff drives me nuts. “GWB was a racist, misogynist war criminal, but at least he acted dignified, most of the time.”

I appreciate his candor, but handguns absolutely have no place in civilian hands either. They kill WAY more people every year than AR-15's and also have no other useful purpose. You get a hunting rifle and that’s it. Sorry wannabe Rambos.

Hoonigan is terrible. I wanted to like it, but it’s just a bunch of douchebags with no personality playing with shitty cars in an area the size of a basketball court. How do these people make money?

I don’t know that it meant a lot to me, but I have vivid memories of my grandmother’s late 80's ChryslerNew Yorker. “Your door is ajar”. I giggled everytime.

I mean, the framing of “love” is off, but come on. Media bigwigs were quoted saying Trump was “good for ratings”. I don’t think the anchors love it. But I’m sure the CEO of Time-Warner or whatever the fuck giant corporation owns CNN this month isn’t crying about the ratings.

I can’t imagine a more useless metric for judging a semi-truck than its unladen acceleration performance.

Wow, this might be the closest vote in NP/CP history! 1,011 to 1,010 against right now.

Your UM fangirl is showing. Dude averages 6 points and 1 rebound a game. He’s only a “very pleasant surprise” if you’re a homer, which you are.

You’re not old until no one in the NBA is older than you. I’m still not old, barely.

Sorry, this tracks too closely with the standard conservative trope about flatscreen TVs and iPhones.

For the record, the sales tax is also regressive trash.

It took you all the way to the end to blame the poor for their life choices. Congrats.

I already did that below. You’re missing the point completely of course. The totals don’t look like much (to you, a non-poor person) but the reality is that a poor person in an old car will be paying an increase that is 25% more than rich folks if the gas tax increase happened. As a percentage of income, of course,

Lol. Just because the rich DECIDE to drive more doesn’t make the net effect “equal”. Poor folks frequently have to live quite far from where they work because they can’t just “choose” to pay higher rent.

This is a really complicated way of calling poor people lazy/stupid.

“Don’t like it, take the bus” is not a great argument in favor of regressivity. Why should poor people be forced to take the bus but not the rich? This also ignores a huge part of the population that doesn’t have access to useful mass transit. It’s why you see an article every other day lauding some poor schmuck that

Sure, and you’ll be paying a proportionately higher percentage of your salary than a rich person for that. Why?

I don’t support a craven group of plutocrats setting tax policies under the auspices of “influencing behavior”. We don’t need to allocate costs to specific activity with regard to infrastructure. We certainly don’t with regard to military spending.