Actually, not to long ago many shows here in the USA had Christmas episodes.
Actually, not to long ago many shows here in the USA had Christmas episodes.
CF, exactly. If Bill loved her so much, why didn't they think of adoption or in vitro? You have those options available, why not go for that? Why didn't Bill then do what Gordrick did? Say he lived long enough and a life like this wasn't for him and meet the sun? or say that he longed for his family and wanted to…
another great point! I re-watched the finale last night on one of the HBO channels and watching it again was so depressing because it was just a lazy plot. The entire season wasn't the best either but, this finale could have been so much better and they screwed it up. Why didn't they call the reverend to conduct…
He was all over the place trying to explain himself in that article. On the one hand, he said that they didn't show Sookie's husband because they just wanted to show that Sookie is now leading a normal life and that the guy who played her husband was "every man." But, they didn't choose Sam like in the books because…
I was a big fan of HBO's "Oz" and it was the same in that the first 2 seasons were great and then the third season there was a noticeable drop off. Of course, we saw it with True Blood as well. Someone pointed out in another post (it could have been you) that there are only 10 to 12 episodes per year with the HBO…
Thanks, Lana.
At the end of the day, Bill and Sookie turned out to be a Romeo and Juliet story only Bill died and Sookie didn't. When you watched the build up and the death scene of Godric, it was suspenseful, you could feel Eric's heart break and also the sadness from Sookie for a vamp who had enough and felt what he was doing…
With Russell/Talbot I'm not sure if they were lovers before Russell turned Talbot or they didn't become lovers until after. But, if it was before, then that was the only case that we know of where a vamp turned his or her lover on True Blood.
Something else that I missed on but, Arlene kept saying that if she had…
Was there ever a moment in the series where a vampire who was in love with a human turned the human? If you think about it, the chances were there. Bill, who talks about how much he loved his wife and child could have turned both and never did. Eric and Sylvie is another one and if I recall Eric had to choose…
You know what? You're right about that. I completely forgot about Russell/Talbot. Did Tara/Pam have something sexual going? That I don't seem to remember. Here's another one, Eric had a hate for the Yokuza for killing his young lover back in the 1980's, but why didn't Eric turn his lover? I don't remember her…
Lana, that is a great observation. Hoyt didn't want kids and since he is human that means he'd grow old while Jessica will forever be the same age as she was when she was turned. It would have made a lot more sense to turn Hoyt. The only question I'd have with that is when a vampire turns a human, they become their…
I agree, the out was there and they didn't take it. It didn't seem lazy, it was lazy. For a final season, it could have been so much better than it was but, the writers seemed to have packed it in and all they did was tie things together in a lazy way and just ended it with each character and that's the last you…
It seems that a few of these HBO original series take that same path. They start of great and then after the 2nd season, it starts to go down hill after that. My problem with that is unlike network TV, these shows only have 10 to 12 episodes per season so, you would think they would come up with better plots. That…
I thought similar but, I wonder because Bill got infected with Hep V from Sookie's blood that her infected fay blood was reacting in a different way and it was making him human again because towards the end, Bill was warm to the touch and Sookie could read his mind. Maybe also the fay blood was not only making him…
Has anyone else noticed that during the first few seasons if a vamp did feed or was awake during daylight hours, they'd get the bleeds and this season, none of them did?
I thought the entire season was one prolonged "good bye" and not many story lines were developed but, individual characters story lines were tied up…