Stevie Jay

Just let me finish The Deuce, then y’all can have him, alright?

This guy’s a pop culture tumor.

The short version.

“Like all Bay movies, this one’s probably best appreciated on the big screen.

Counterpoint: like all Bay movies, this one’s probably best appreciated if you don’t have to pay for a ticket.

Seriously, you need help. You are making yourself look incredibly foolish.

 Iger’s The Ride of a Lifetime

his complaint is hilariously stupid. “There weren’t enough visual or technical leaps forward.” fuck you, George Lucas, the last thing Star Wars needs is visual or technical leaps forward. Jar Jar Binx and stuffing a billion idiotic CGI models into the original series were “visual and technical leaps forward” and they

“He criticized us for making a bland facsimile of his work, even though we were trying to make a bland facsimile of his work! Wotta wacko.”

Better Call Saul will someday get the respect it deserves!

Funniest thing I’ve seen all month

I feel like any Jimmy Fallon bit would land better without Jimmy Fallon being involved.

I don’t know Mickey. Sounds like you insulted him a lil bit.

Almost makes you think that this was his end game all along. At least that’s what I think: throw everyone under the bus to get the heat and eyes off the fact that he’s a piece of shit abuser and pedophile himself in order to get a reduced sentence or a comfortable life in witness protection. He’s a bitch.

isn’t every pirate looking for a sunken chest a some booty?

Vázquez then told police that he and the victim had “sex but not really.

I usually finish Overwatch matches with 0% accuracy. I should start a YouTube channel.

You left out the biggest story: we (NCFC) had 11 players out with injury or unable to play. Eleven!

I bet Aunt Becky is super kicking herself now about not taking the plea deal.

That would explain Sauron’s red eye