Stevia Nicks

Holy Christ... is that Jesus with STIGMATA and all!?

good to know im not alone in this opinion. this is why i cant be a feminist

This is for Tracie Egan Morrissey as well, I am a female, and would find it very amusing to see this done with the princesses, showing the different body times, how every vagina is different and there are a lot of different types of breast out there as well. I personally think it is something the artist should look

This is obviously Tom Cruise.

Also you do realize that John Smith is not American.

So, this all part of the process of "leveling the playing field"? The strategy now is to "get even" instead of discouraging the objectification of women? Okay.

I'm not saying that one wasn't clearly worse. I'm just saying they both shouldn't be here.

I disagree with the OP, but hold up. You honestly want to say that this is okay, after justifiably rallying to get the rape gifs to stop?

When will you be posting the illustrations of what Disney princess pussies look like?

I never once jumped off Yoshi to save myself- I understood the mechanics, but it would never occur to me. I'm not abandoning my friend!

This, friends, is what Twitter was invented for, its true potential not realized until now.