excellent summary of his needs. His defense team seems very competent; I hope they are planning to get him the help he needs.
excellent summary of his needs. His defense team seems very competent; I hope they are planning to get him the help he needs.
At least Abby collected and threw away the plates while most were still pretty full.
I guess we all need to go make accounts and put in some reviews.
+1 for working Inception into it.
I haven’t had any luck dumping sand and fine mulch on top of the lawn. I Perhaps I’m being too shy about killing the grass; I should probably just fill in and drop zoysia seed as needed.
Leave the clover - it’s much better than grass. Clover flowers feed pollinators and add nice color to your yard and the roots return nitrogen to the soil. Back in the less-monoculturally-bad-old-days, lawn mixes included clover on purpose!
I have a very large yard myself sitting on 30 acres of land with a poor yard. You essentially need to have someone come out and have your yard laid back out. Working it up, making everything even and smooth then re-seed the grass. The cost all depends on the yard size as most of the cost will be labor and seed.
Good questions...I have a similar lawn minus the abundance of clovers and was considering evening out the dips with potting soil, but unsure if that’s the correct way to do it and when I should be doing this. I have some clover, but it is minimal as my lawn besides the dips is mostly healthy...except for the back and…
That is because Matt Sharp was the real genius in the band, and he left after Pinkerton.
jesus christ someone thought this out.
I have always had a baby face. At 27, I look like I’m a teenager, and I’m pretty sure I’ll be carded well into my thirties.
if Ice T and Coco will have 5 girls, will 5th one will be named Chanel #5?
I’d rather be knocked out by Rousey.
This story reminded me of one my fav Mr. Show skits...
It’s like comic sans and the disney font had a baby.
If I hear someone using a cell phone in a multi-stall bathroom I make as much toilety noise as I can to let the person on the other end of the phone know, that the person they’re speaking with is on the pot.
I’m glad I can contribute more than dumb jokes to this forum sometimes.
Yup. Privitazation is a very disturbing trend.