
Don’t forget her regular Battlestar Galactica swearing, which we saw again in this episode.

Anyone else catch what Felicity said when she was suffering the effects of time travel?

Came for a reference to this: not disappointed.

came here for this - not disappointed!

He’s no stranger to things like that:

Came here to see if anyone else was going to comment on this. He was shocked to death he got the call!

Nice work

That’s the face one makes when they realize they just might not be getting fired after all

If you’re living in an urban city, things are great for you. But if you’re living in a small town where the biggest employer is a walmart, and you’re deciding between paying the house note or the medical bills, America doesn’t feel great. If your cost of living is high, but your wages are stagnant, America doesn’t


At least Beyond was amazing.

As a lifelong Ducks fan, I am personally offen...actually, I’m in complete agreement. If anything, you were being kind.

Respectfully, this is an inaccurate metaphor, as dumpster fires are usually limited to their dumpsters.

Yes, three of the four Trump voters I know cited Obamacare. (The fourth has gone full Alex Jones) One of those is an actual card-carrying ACLU member.

This should have far more stars.

ALL the stars...

The funny thing is it’s all Clinton voters talking to you but in your little temper tantrum you can’t see that. What a great human being you are, NooTantrum. “Hope they all die”. You are really showing your true nature. Go find your safe space.

Came for the pretty picture, stayed for the thoughtful take.
