
Maybe, Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 are simply being combined into a single giant game?

Yeah, kinda bummed that they just didn’t combine Galaxy and Galaxy 2.

I have always found it fascinating that Yuri Bezmenov used the term “Social Justice Warriors” in an interview from 1984.

The general conspiracy theory is that the disease wasn’t created in a lab, but was a sample that got out due to poor safety concerns (Or was intentionally released). The Chinese government covered up the virus until it was impossible to do so and then blamed a wet market to distract from the lab.

Some power ups are theme specific.  That’s honestly the reason why.  You can’t carry over a Frog suit into a SMW themed level.

I’ve been playing BOTW on Master Mode, going out of my way to find every seed as intended.  While I respect the desire to just cheat, why would you really want to?

Look, this thing has an incubation of 1 to 14 days, and it is contagious before symptoms appear. I 100% guarantee that patient Zero in China was not patient Zero and this virus has already been spreading through the population since December. It’s just been misdiagnosed as the Flu this whole time. My whole family had

Wash your hands.  Stay home if you have a fever.  That’s really all you need.

The scene was shot in anamorphic widescreen. IMO in the Flash movie we will see the scene from Ezra’s perspective.

There is an uncoming Flash episode called “Grodd Friended Me” which makes me think her return is likely.

I quit WoW because it was a slog. It just wasn’t fun anymore. 2 months later, I am sleeping much better, waking up earlier, and felling generally healthier. I no longer have that horrid feeling of having to go grind an endless loop of disappointment and scheduling my life around raid times.

I’m okay with a delay if it means that a more polished and complete game launches without the need for Day 1 patching.

I got distracted by restarting Breath of the Wild in Master Mode.  I never did the DLC there.  Now that I’ve quit WoW I have way more time on my hands.

Now playing

Well I’m sure you will watch the full context of Trump’s speeches and see that he never called all Mexicans rapists and was specifically talking about people who were entering illegally because they couldn’t immigrate the proper way due to their criminal history. But I already know you won’t bother.

Right, because if I was really a Russian troll I would waste my time on a Kinja board.  Better watch out behind you.  There are probably Russians hacking your fridge right now and putting Vodka in it.  Turn off CNN and go outside.  You’ll feel better.

Now playing

You poor brainwashed man. Russiagate has already been proven to be the flat earther theory of political scandals. The FBI fabricated evidence to get a FISA warrant to spy on a presidential candidate and private citizen (Proven). The Democrats have been engaged in a soft coup every since.

The President of the United States is allowed to ask for assistance from Ukraine in regards to investigations into corruption as clearly stated in this treaty that was ratified by congress in the 1990s.

Now playing

So Biden did nothing wrong? Even though he bragged about literally doing what Trump is being accused of on camera?  Face it, the Democrats lost a fair election and now they are blaming their enemy for that which they are guilty.  There will be a presidential impeachment, but it’s not going to be Trump.

Youtube rewards long form content.  Most of the videos in question were 35 to 2 hour pulls (unedited) from his stream.

Nope. At no point have her motivations been explained. Except that her implied goal was to cause as many deaths as possible for the intent of feeding souls to whatever master she is currently serving. Thus using her position as Warchief to start a 4th war by burning the Night Elf capitol and helping release an Old God