I think it’s the top of that endless tower dungeon mentioned in the preview.
I think it’s the top of that endless tower dungeon mentioned in the preview.
I finally deleted WoW two days ago.
He’ll land a coaching gig at Oregon almost immediately.
This story has been picked up by both Left and Right leaning political commentators and Democrat and Republican senators are voicing disgust loudly on twitter. I have been watching this story snowball for the last 4 hours. Memes are popping up in Overwatch threads on Nintendo’s forums. Every official Blizzard tweet is…
Senators on both sides are calling this out on twitter today siting this very article. It would not shock me to hear Trump tweet something about this and simply add giant tariffs on American software sold in China.
I will never understand NFL divisions. They are not remotely geographically accurate. Why the hell is Miami and not say Pittsburgh in the East? You would think that Miami would be in the South with Jacksonville and Indianapolis would be in the North since Indiana is above the Mason Dixon line and all...
Don’t even get…
Here’s clips of more angles. I was wondering why there was an extra long commercial break towards the end of the 3rd quarter...
Um... the middle of the road people know the Democrats are full of bullshit. This guarantees a red wave 2020. Sorry buddy. There is literally nothing here other than Trump doing his due diligence to investigate corruption committed by the Obama administration. If Biden committed high crimes while serving as Vice…
It’s a real shame but the limitations make sense. I would not expect a Zelda maker any time soon. There is simply too much depth to a Zelda game to make a Zelda Maker.
It’s tragic. 15 is too young. My senior year one of my good friends fell asleep at the wheel and drove off a cliff. He was on the path to being an elite swimmer and he was driving home from swim practice. His father just happened to be the first responder police officer on the scene. The school was a mausoleum for…
Please let this be Switch Fit so I can finally box up the WiiU because my wife still uses Wii Fit daily.
As a life long Oregon fan this game was hard to watch. My takeaways are that is this game were week two, Oregon wins outright because those mistakes wouldn’t have been made.
That 4'th quarter drop was basically a shitty version of this:
Chip Kelly sadly will never have the success he had at Oregon again. There are several factors involved.
But I thought base runners couldn’t advance on a foul ball?
I could understand if this were a fair ball, but it was foul. Why the hell does the rule apply?
Honestly social security is a scam. If you want to fix the economy, dump it and instead provide an incentive for people to invest 6.2% of their own paycheck themselves. Now obviously, most Americans are too stupid to understand basic finance so you would have to make BASIC HOUSEHOLD ECONOMICS a mandatory high school…
Whisper is scary as fuck. There is a LOT of sketch shit on there.