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So weird seeing players who got kicked off their team for stealing a laptop in the CFL...

Would it be in bad taste to have Elizabeth Olsen come in for a one episode cameo in the eventual series finale? She looks more like Michelle then Mary Kate and Ashley do at this point anyway.

So does this mean that NASCAR as an organization will be turning to the Right?

I was always fond of the Dig. It’s on steam for 5 bucks. Worth it in my opinion. I also find the story about that game’s production being a cool part of history. It was a Spielberg movie idea, and the technology didn’t exist to make a film with the effects required. I would love to see them revisit it with

She’s right though. ESPN employees who have made right wing supporting political comments have been fired as recently as last year. Sanders correctly pointed out the double standard regardless of whether or not the political comments were accurate or justified.

Are you serious? Anyone who said anything bad about Obama was labeled a racist and fired outright! ESPN is very very left leaning as of late. Which is why they are suffering so many layoffs as more and more people are simply dumping cable altogether in favor of alternative media outlets. The fact that ESPN is so

4-chan as of late has been intentionally memeing things to get the mainstream media to call non-racist things, racist hate symbols. This has the effect of making the media look like morons because they keep biting on obvious trolls. This has the effect of “Red-Pilling” “Normies” into becoming Trump supporters

The fact that Kekistan isn’t an Alt-Right thing at all and was a parody of identity politics in general and was infact championed by a liberal guy in the first place.

4-Chan decided to meme it to see if they could trick people into thinking it was a white nationalist thing. They succeeded. 4-Chan successfully memed

The Adpocalypse had very little to do with Pewdiepie. It had everything to do with Trump winning. The general consensus that I have seen in my observations over the last few months is that conservative channels were getting more influence than mainstream media. Pewdiepie, who has the largest audience, was also

His kids will be born with CTE...

And boom goes the dynamite.

Slippery slope is slippery. Yes, he is a dick and said a dick thing. And while the Dev technically has the right to target him in this way, they would need to target everyone equally under the spirit of the DMCA unless their TOS specifically said, “You can stream this game as long as you follow these guidelines etc

When was the last time someone had to punt on 4th and goal?

So does this mean Northern Colorado covered the spread?

I believe in Jesus...

...Martinez. He’s probably the best gardener my grandparents ever had. That lawn was immaculate.

See... I look at the schedule and barring injuries to Herbert and Freeman, I can easily see them as going 6-0 before running into a wall. All I can say is that the atmosphere around the program has dramatically changed since Taggart took over.

Taggert announced recently that the uniforms wouldn’t have as many options until the program earns that flashiness back. Personally I’m fine with that. I’m fine with Green, Yellow and White. Ditch the Black, Pink, Blue shit.

But can he swim?