
Again, if they are being nonviolent, which they were prior to the Antifa protesters showing up. They have a right to assemble. That’s the only point I’m trying to make here.

The Nazis are the natural result of a crazy SJW philosophy that has been pushed on society for years. These white supremacists, when peacefully assembling (As hateful as their speech is), are within their 1st amendment rights to do so. When groups like antifa show up and start assaulting the Nazis you get escalation

Martial law it is then. Welcome to China.

Then explain how to resolve said situation without things escalating like they did?

Can you blame them after what happened in Berkeley? If Antifa didn’t show up with bricks and start assaulting people, these guys wouldn’t need to escalate.

It’s like Commissioner Gordon says in The Dark Knight: They get weapons, you get body armor, they get armor piercing rounds and the arms race keeps escalating.


If Trump is removed, who do you think is going to declare Civil War? While you’re think about that, which side supports the 2nd amendment more?

Trump is hardly responsible for this. These assholes represent a small (but vocal and dangerous) minority. Most Republicans I know disavow these loons.

Multiple reports from both sides indicate that police were given stand down orders by the Mayor. If true, the Mayor should be held liable for any crimes that a stronger police presence would have prevented.

Premeditated means he meant to target that specific person. I’ve never heard of 1st degree murder in an automotive homicide. 2nd degree is easier to prove. They can tack on other charges as well since he did flee the scene. The end result considering the litany of video evidence is this guy will get life 50 years

Here is the danger in that statement. The left has this tenancy to label anyone right of Lennon a “Nazi”. Thus cheapening the word while making it okay to kill anyone with an opposing political view.

These idiots were white supremacists but they are hardly representative of the average Trump voter. These assholes

They did. I’m pretty sure that Euron is a Warlock and that fact simply hasn’t been revealed. This is why all the members of his crew have no tongues, and why his fleet seems to be able to teleport. He’s using the crazy warlock magic from Quarth. I think that Malesadre is going to be bringing back that masked girl

Arguably the most played N64 game isn’t included. No Goldeneye, no dice.

Bronn will save the Sand Snakes. He will get the bad pussy as his reward.

Drogon is fine. It’s one of the other two I’m worried about. I’m fully expecting the Night King to have his own Frost Wrym by the end of the season...

They would not have gone out of the way to establish that Jamie had Widow’s Wail just to kill him before he could use it against a White Walker.

In a world where politics are based entirely on Family name, you still boil it down to skin color. You are the racists here.

This is like saying that Lord of the Rings is racist because the Human, the Elf, and Dwarf were all white; completely ignoring the fact that they were a HUMAN an ELF and a DWARF.

Um... what? How is this film not diverse? They canonized Miles Morales in this film. He was mentioned by Donald Glover. They are clearly setting up for Miles Morales to take the mantle in 8 years or so. This was easily the most diverse Marvel film (Unless you count a Tree and Raccoon as diverse).

No need to interact with the community. You can play without talking to anyone. I got to Rank 5 in June. Burnt out when I couldn’t progress higher cause the Un’Goro meta sucks.

Hopefully Lich King will shake stuff up.

Oh shut the fuck up. Kathy Griffin beheading Trump is “Art”. Trump as Julius Caesar is “Art”. Punching republicans is okay because “All Republicans are Nazis”. A gunman targets republicans and had names in his pocket and scouted the location for several weeks but “his motives are unclear”.

Trump retweets a meme made

I get the vibe that is you fall off the edge anywhere, you simply land in the Deep Woods.