
It goes deeper than just Rule 230. For a long time messages on YouTube came up saying that if you gave me some bitcoin I’d give twice as many back. I had nothing to do with this. People put huge amounts, even their life savings into this and got hold of me in tears about losing it all. YouTube was impossible to

When I was a freshman in college, Intro to Computers was a graduate level course. It was a great course and I got an A+ but I wrote a bunch of programs to calculate tables of numbers, like in the Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, for things like Fibonacci numbers and powers of 2. I’d print 60 pages at a time,

Streaming? How about the 19 million of us without broadband? And hotels?

HTC Thunderbolt. Or early Iridium phone. I bought that phone to have access anywhere but had it nowhere I ever was (indoors). After a prank (sent voice message to one Iridium number from another after seeing the formula in country code 88, and sent a voice message in the reverse direction too) it was the only gadget long as any important retail outlet doesn't support Google Wallet...or as long as some retail outlets have their Google Wallet (PayPass) system go down (I've experienced this a several times) you'll have to carry your phone AND some other form of payment.

Not to mention that if the "lower value" is 2%, that is NOT 1.6 hours but rather a tenth of 1.6 hours, or 9.6 minutes.

I'd love to keep answering questions but it's early morning here in Jakarta and my eyes are failing me I'm so sleepy, so no more answering for me tonight (today for you).

Too many - Apple ][ color, Apple ][ timing, blue box using inputs as outputs too, floppy disk to get to Las Vegas, BASIC. Also, the first dial-a-joke ever in the SF Bay Area. Cost a fortune back in the day when you couldn't own, use or purchase your own phone due to the monopoly AT&T. I'm very proud of the first 3

As soon as the mobile devices get better, what's the difference. I like the ports on my MacBook Pro and I like multiple windows open at once in front of me.

We almost repeated the US Festival in 2009 and then 2010, but the funding partner (he'd had his life changed by the US Festivals) died of pancreatic cancer. Many stories, including some creep in L.A. who grabbed the trademark and we had to buy it back for $150K or something.

No. I feel good about who I was and how my brain worked. I know many controversial decisions I made were made for the right reasons.

So much, so much, especially about IC design...and my side projects one after another after another led right up to the Apple ][.


I think that students should learn what they want to outside of school. In school they will have the same pages as 30 other students every day of the week, and a test on Friday. By 3rd grade many have dropped out of education being important, since a few top students always have the answer first. A better solution to

Get beyond just an idea. Steve and I had no money. We had no savings. We had no relatives or friends with money. We had no business experience. But we had a working model and that helped. We found an angel due to Steve's persistence and belief in our big opportunity.

I'm not an expert on that. I like both based on my state of mind. If you want the 'better' or 'best' stuff, it's online. If you want one of thousands of things, you can find it online. But if you want help directing you as to what to buy, a store is better. It's too time consuming to read every review and you can't

Brenthaven...this model is probably not currently made but was in Apple Stores when the first 17" MacBook Pros came out. A long time ago.

Sorry about any bad jokes. My uncle is a Jesuit priest and has 5 joke books that are good, Friar Wozniak's Jokes. All but volume 4 are great ones.

I'm not a morning or night person. I sleep when I need to or can't stay awake. I'm awake when I have to. This session is very hard on me because I'm hurting and falling asleep in Jakarta and have an early wakeup for a breakfast with some top execs from the big telecommunications company here. I sometimes sleep 10

Pioneer 828 hi-fi receiver and my GE reel-to-reel tape recorder. I was very lucky to have these, thanks to my parents, in high school. Sony products eventually were always a bit better, like Apple today. That goes for Walkman's, CD players, Minidisk recorders, hi-fi's, TV's, VCR's...