Steve Wozniak

In many countries these are still common.

The ones who write excellent scientific articles about the flaws of controlled experiments (which show causality) are in the field and know that the problems are caused by how these controlled experiments are done.

We bought a Tesla and qualified for an EV plan. We probably had the worst plan possible before, but our rate, using more electricity than before, was cut to a third. I suppose EV owners cause everyone else's rates to rise. Frankly, I don't believe in such subsidies but electricity is so high I'll take the discount.

Is everybody the same? I use SPF 4-8 and avoid burning.

One of my favorite fruit snacks. I enjoy cracking them and would not consider buying them unshelled. Glad to hear more good news about pistachios!

Back in the analog cell phone days I would connect my laptop's modem to my Moto flip phone and dial a number at home. Apple's Remote Access could answer and put you onto the answering network there, which also put me onto the internet. Back in those days you looked a bit silly doing this in an airport.

"Complete Bullshit" could be on the list.

Not the yellow '65 Mustang I learned to drive in.

You are correct, to a point. The cost (value) of anything is equal to the cost of the components plus the energy to create it. The same reasoning applies to each component. Follow it down and the math tells you that the cost of something is equal to the total energy used at each step of every component and

Kids, with my failing eyesight I can still feel what I drew when I was your age.

We have been doing the killing thing my whole life in contrived war after war after war. As with other wars, they scared us about losing in Viet Nam, that it would lead to a great tragedy. Well, we did lose and it didn't matter a bit.

McDonalds figured this formula out long ago. Save money with lighter burgers.

I'm sure Jobs did kind things too.

Quadrent, I'm pretty sure I had between 3 and 7 separate GPS's going. If one can get you lost, multiples can do the job even better. Actually that part of it didn't have an address, just some instructions where to spot a human on the sidewalk to give me the computer.

Aristarco, it depends where you live. I do something rather unique. I have tons of email folders for "cities of fans" who write me and when I go to a city I look them up. It means a lot to all of you and all I have to do is chat and have a meal I'd have anyway and smile.

Thanks, Jen. Your family has a place in my heart. You are lucky to live where you do in Colorado Springs.

I have tons of email friends, largely due to a philosophy of not hiding out and being unreachable. It means hours of work at the computer every day, including Sunday. My email-only friend Peter Fraser came up with the idea, knowing that I like jokes. So we stopped near his house to get the computer from him (I wish I

Hopefully he's not taking the pictures while driving.

I have mine set to change 'fricked' know what. Or do it to others. Then tell them it's built in.

I would take this with a grain of salt.