Steve Vicious

I’m not the most tech literate but is it difficult for a website like this to make it so usernames can’t get copied?  That seems like an easy fix.  dudebrah and dr. lizzardo are 2 easy recent examples of people pretending to be other people and posting garbage. 

I didn’t suggest the people in the video were right-wing nutjobs. But the source of any “evidence” matters. The user who posted it has clear leanings and the title alone should have told you that. I watched the video. Main dude said he didn’t know if the lady was telling the truth or not AND at the end of the video

It took me 2 seconds to click on the profile of the person who posted this video. Here are some titles of other videos this dude has posted:

Wife watches it.  Danny Trejo praised Jenny as some advocate for Autism.  Straight garbage.

My wife watches it.  Danny Trejo praised Jenny McCarthy as an advocate for Autism.  She’s trash and spreads dangerous anti-vaxx nonsense. 


I don’t know West Virginia politics well but it seems like they won’t elect a progressive. I support progressive ideas and even voted for Bernie in 2016 and Warren 2020 in the CA primaries. But I also understand CA is a lot different than say West Virginia.  Maybe WI, PA or Sinema’s seat in AZ have better odds to flip

Sorry I meant less than zero chance a left primary challenger beats him.

Saw this on another article here but what Manchin is doing is a win win for his constituents and will help him get re-elected in 2024: His constituents want/need Covid relief but also want him to vote no to stick it to the libs. Now that it passed they get exactly that. He can say he “fought back against the

Manchin won his last primary (2018) by like 40 points. He’s the only dem in the state. He also isn’t up for re-election until 2024. There’s a less than zero chance he gets primaried from the left. And even if a progressive were to somehow beat him they’d get killed in the general election. Then we get McConnell back

Joe fucking Manchin is the reason. He’s singlehandedly holding this up by talking about lowering the income threshold and $11 vs $15 min wage. Weird that West Virginia and CA/NY value different things.  

Sinema and Manchin have Ds by their names but aren’t really Dems. Also Manchin said he doesn’t support $15 min wage so having the majority isn’t actually happening here. 

A further left than manchin candidate would get crushed in the general in WV. 

Federal minimum wage would be new starting point for states. Cities like Seattle, SF, NYC already have higher min wage than national min. Those would also go up if national was $15. And that’s a good thing. 

ACAB because we never hear “good ones” condemn this type of behavior. So yea fuck em. ACAB 

Mass has a republican governor and we can’t afford to have him replace her senate seat with a republican.

I’ve been workshopping a joke to my wife about how the Bernie meme being so popular is a perfect example of Bernie: really popular for not doing anything. He just sat there being cold and everyone is acting like he did something super cool. Something like that.

The double down was amazing and I that’s a hill I’m willing to die on. 

He’s the same guy who defended JoePa for not going to the cops regarding Sandusky. So he can eat shit. 

Biden never said he’s use an EO for student loan debt. He preferred legislation since the EO would get challenged via a lawsuit they’re probably win.