Liz Warren had the nerve to say just what you said and people shat all over her and called her a neo-lib corporate shill.
Liz Warren had the nerve to say just what you said and people shat all over her and called her a neo-lib corporate shill.
I had a flashback to those Splinter “Daddy Bernie” articles.
Hillary lost MI by less than 11,000 votes. She lost a ton of votes nationwide simply due to misogyny. I have a feeling there’s more than 11,000 people in MI who would feel much better voting for ANY man that isn’t Trump vs. a woman.
He doesn’t look like a stoner so I’d guess he ate too many/too strong edibles and his dinner came back up.
Edibles, bet that’s what did it. Ate too strong a dose trying to be tough for his GF.
You can ABSOLUTELY vomit from smoking too much weed if you aren’t a regular smoker. I bet he took edibles though and ate too much. Probably wasn’t feeling anything and ate more than it all hit him.
When Seth Curry starts getting chesty and mouthing off you know things are bad for Pandemic P.
This is why camo cargo shorts (or any cargo shorts for that matter) are trash and we men need to stop wearing them. Can’t rock the short shorts with cargo pockets. Extra points off for those cargo shorts with a drawstring on the bottom of the short-legs.
My city, La Mesa, California, got a 28. It’s not a crime heavy area at all but its only safer than 28% of all US cities?
The fuck is
I work in online advertising and am required to be re-certified YEARLY to run Google Ads & Microsoft Ads campaigns.
Spot on. I went to college in Chico (go Wildcats!). There were a TON of Giants fans there and about 99% of them told me some variation of “the stadium is super nice but it’s in a shitty area” aka there’s homeless non-white people there.
And no way she was a die-hard chiefs fan during the Tyler Thigpen/Brodie Croyle days.
Promise Molly wasn’t around for the pre-Mahomes days either.
Maybe I DON’T miss Splinter as much as I thought. This is giving me flashbacks to garbage HamNo articles about not voting and that whole “daddy Bernie” stuff.
This is why there are no good cops. Like multiple people said above, the police had this footage, knew what was on it, and STILL sued Ujiri.
Mrs. Vicious is due in Sept with a baby girl and same thing.
I’m not advocating for always running from police, although I understand the urge to want to do that. I’m saying black folks get killed for complying so it’s understandable when people run.
No one actually gets “cancelled”. Louis CK is still rich. JK is also still rich. What exactly negative happened to them? NOTHING.