Steve Vicious

Schools were the first things to close in the US.  So US children haven’t been exposed like adults.  So I’m skeptical of the child mortality rate being as low as it is for that reason alone.  

Schools were the first things to close.  The mortality rates in kids means nothing without taking that into account. 

Schools were the first things to close in March.  Touting low death rates in children means nothing without this information.  Also death isn’t the only issue re covid.  Long term health affects and medical bills (here in the US) are also important issues.

For me it’s VEGGIES.  No one over the age of 5 should use that word.

Mrs. Vicious and I are watching I’ll Be Gone in the Dark, really good, but there’s a scene where patton oswalt is texting his wife, and he uses the word “nosh” as in “drink some wine, have a nosh...”.

Oh I don’t judge him for not taking his meds.  I did worry he’d get hurt/into trouble because both those happened when he was off his meds (he threw a brick through a car dealership window and got into a fight with a bunch of marines off his meds).  So if medication kept him safer I’d chose medication every time. 

He did and it’s an ongoing thing (and thanks for the kind words!) I’m 34 and he hasn’t had an episode since I was in college so it’s been good for a while.

My dad is bipolar and the grandiose Kanye stuff sounds EXACTLY like my dads big plans he had when he was going through manic episodes. Without detailing too much: I was playing college ball at a small D III school. My dad contacted the head coach with this big giant fundraising plane he came up with. Like completely

Wife and I just moved from an apt to a rented home due to a little vicious coming in Sept.  I really don’t see us coming up with 10%-20% to put down on a home here in CA unless we want to move to like Bakersfield or somewhere crappy. 

I was high as a kite for the Michael Phelps one when he “raced” the shark and it was STILL dumb as hell.  

He no longer gets SS protection the second he’s voted out. The fed will physically remove his ass. I also can’t imagine SS has much loyalty to him because he’s probably (aka definitely) an asshole and mean to people.

How does one become a detective? You start as a cop and get promoted. You can’t just magically create more detectives without more cops or overhauling the entire system.

You’re still moving the conversation away from the original topic. I also have no time for anyone who advocates for MORE police. The best way to stop police from over-policing black people is to have less police.

I don’t think the link to the article/study you provided make me wrong. When people mention black on black crime regarding BLM or police violence towards black folks, they are doing it to say “How can you worry about police when your own people are killing each other”, which is bullshit for plenty of reasons I don’t

Bet that banana dude has never heard Dirty Sprite

Thank You. I feel like if this was a The Root article there’d be less “Kayne is responsible for Future and Drake”. Drake makes more sense but still.

Drake makes sense because like Kayne, he’s more a pop-star/makes pop music vs. traditional rapper. The Future statement makes no sense. My mom knows Kanye’s music (and Drake). She does not know who future is.

And the black-on-black crime thing is stupid because A. it’s just crime, no one mentions white on white crime, or woman on woman crime, or Hispanic on Hispanic crime and b. people commit crime where they live, and most people live around people that look similar to how they look and c. black on black crime usually


Standing desk people are def medicine ball office chair people too. These people in my old office went on a “health kick” and instead of not drinking 9 diet cokes a day they all got medicine balls to sit on. They all ended up in the corner of the office in about 15 mins.