Steve Vicious

Liz’s only problem is missing a Y-Chromosome

So Bernie marched with MLK like 40 years ago, then got half of Public Enemy (and not the half anyone under 35 knows) and Jesse Jackson to endorse him.  If this was like 1985 he’d be on to something. 

Sanders didnt pass 15% in Mississippi.

Libby Watson’s twitter (before I muted) was filled with snarky anti-warren shit

You want to volunteer?  

So you wanna play with the Vegas Outlaws vs. the New England Americans? Cuz I absolutely don’t.

Her comments on rap music were pretty damn dumb. She also said she wanted to mourn that piece of human garbage XXXTentacion

Cancel culture is dumb too because Louis CK is still rich.  So he got “cancelled”?  Nothing ACTUALLY happened to him.  Nobody actually gets “cancelled” they just have people hate watching their specials.

Yea we’re done here. Maybe turn off the TV for a bit, log off twitter.  

You’re assuming a lot and we know what assumptions do. What happened in NC and WI with their govs are A LOT FUCKING DIFFERENT than Trump refusing to leave office. Which again, you already know.

1876 huh? Shit has changed A LOT since then, which you already know.

What are you even talking about? He loses he’s fucking out. It’s childish to even entertain the idea that he’ll just somehow declare himself the winner regardless of the EC/popular vote results.

Doesn’t this need to be done at a state level? I believe a candidate could use an EO to make it federally legal day 1, but some states could still push back against that. There’s no precedent for the federal law being more lax vs a state so this is new territory.

All these women probably watch Teen Mom with their kids and have no problem with that.

I bet that dude in Idaho who brought his 11 year old granddaughter to the capitol building with an AR complained to the FCC. Promise “Karen’s” also watch teen mom and shit like that with their kids and don’t see a problem with that at all.


Tamir Rice would like a word.

It’s trash.  There’s been like 65 total delegates awarded so far.  Super Tuesday awards like 1100.  

There’s been 65 total delegates awarded so far.  There’s a LONG way to go. 

The 2nd part of that quote is really the best.