Steve Vicious

Shhh don’t say his/her (lol it’s obvi a him) name too many times.  He’ll show up like rumpelstiltskin

Think the show you are looking for a was the bootleg knockoff “The Middle”. Mrs. Vicious watches it. The youngest kid (that looks like that dude) is named Brick.

“Tyreke you stabbed my dad”

I bet you say shit like “I don’t see color” all the time too huh?

LOL at casual bigotry AMIRITE!?!?!!?

And mayor of a town of 102,000 people. What has he ever done that would make him a good candidate to be president of a country of 330 million people?

Yea I’m getting married in Nov and don’t really care about anything (don’t tell Mrs. Vicious, it’s all SUPER IMPORTANT) but I swear I’m gonna lose my shit if I anyone is wearing jeans to my wedding. I don’t know why but the idea of someone wearing jeans to my wedding gets me irrationally upset.

Liked the NFL/tackle football in general. 


They better Cech Petr drew the right card.

Dude is a straight scumbag.  Look up stuff about Rap-A-Lot records CEO J. Prince and this Chad Scott dude.

LOL on Fiverr 2d animation videos start at $45.

Yea my old job required me to be at a computer all day but also had a lot of downtime so I was Kinja’ing non-stop.  Still sit at a desk but now have much more work, more meetings, so I really only get to look at sites right when I get in in the morning (like now) when no one else is here and at lunch. 

I don’t even want to see the amount of time I spend on Splitner/Deadspin/The Root during “work hours”. 

Not to mention $60 million career earnings and a ring last season.  He’ll be OK

Liz, in a potential 2nd term would still be younger than Bernie is right now. And don’t get it twisted should Bernie win the nomination he’s getting my vote.

It’s the NOT mini-drumstick part of whole wings.  And it’s the best part.  FLATS. ALL. DAY.

Stop. Was just at an AirBnB for my bachelor party. When we went into the house we couldn’t find the unit to turn the alarm off. Shit was going off for like 2-3 mins before we could find the unit to turn it off.

“I was today years old” is so god damn dumb.  Also not getting why the shirt is a problem is also so god damn dumb. 

Chambers looked 10000000 times better than Luiz.